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Somehow, my days had grown far more hectic.

How so, you ask?

Well, a little nuisance whom I shall not name had intruded upon my life. She came in like a storm after 7 or 8 days, would spend 3 or 2 days with us, then disappear like she was never around.

When she did come, she made sure to let everyone know of her presence. Stealing precious mother-son bonding time, stealing all of the food in the house, exploring the nooks and cranny like a thief scouting their next big score and even worming her way into the heart of the great ass- um, provider of the house.

In case you hadn't guessed it yet, I was referring to Rosine.

That little twerp had somehow become a major force in this household. Her mother would drop her off with the excuse of venturing into the nearby forest, but I had a working theory that Rosine's parents simply needed a little bit of 'Off Time', if you catch my drift.

Taking care of a wildfire like her must have been exhausting, because I highly doubted that she even slept. Yes, she was a perpetual motion machine full of energy and questions. I can't blame them for passing her off to some neighbours when things get too stressful.

However, I absolutely couldn't forgive them for starting this annoying daily routine for me.

Today for instance, Rosine was looking to get a black eye.

"Come on, I heard babies start walking after 6 months. Try it.", She said, lifting my body up by the arms and moving me along with her.

"Hey, hey. I read that babies eyes are good enough to read after 6 months. Tell me what this says.", She shoved a book in my face.

"Say Rosie. RO-SIE. Easy, right?", She kept moving my lips like they were her toys.

"Hey, hey-", I could hear her voice echoing as I hid myself away in mother's room. Rosine had been tormenting me since the morning, having suddenly grown an interest in babies and their capabilities.

I felt like she was ready to tear me up to look at my innards. That child was maniacal.

In the end, I spent the whole morning hiding in the room. The silence eventually got to me and I fell asleep on the dirty wooden floor. Hopefully, by the time I woke up, she'd have left.


When my eyes snapped open, there she was, sleeping right next to me. I felt her calmly breathing onto my face, her arms wrapped around me. She'd turned me into her personal teddy bear.

Seems like when I was sleeping, she found me and rather than thinking to move me, she fell asleep next to me.

It was strange though. I never thought the day this little demon would be quiet would finally come. Her graceful sleeping face and peaceful expression put my heart at ease. For the first time, I could see her for the child that she was.

Who would have thought something this small would have made me appreciate this child.


My new image was suddenly ruined by her piggish snore.

"Tch, you annoying brat. You couldn't even be quiet when sleeping!", My body burned with rage like never before. If I was an immature baby, I'd have balled my fists and slugged her right here and now, but I was better than that.

"Ow! Ow!", Rosine screamed in pain. She jolted up and placed her hands over her eye.

Of course, I didn't know what had happened. In fact, I didn't even hear her screaming. I was asleep and didn't know anything had happened. The universe had chosen to punish her, by punching her in the eye, not me. Yes, let us go with that.

The Great Hero Chose To DieWhere stories live. Discover now