She felt her husband's moist tongue at the nape of her neck. Moans were moans of fake pleasure coming from Lillian's lips. There was nothing pleasurable about his kisses or his tongue on her flesh, but yet, she had to play alone. "Aww, it has been years since we made love. There were times that your screams of pleasure rivaled the souls of the tortured. Let us retire to our chamber and let the cries of the damn beg us for mercy as we delve into lust."

Lillian was cunning as she carefully removed herself from her King know full well her King's lust grows. Hades could not think of nothing else. His mind was in a fog. All he saw was the bareness of his wife's back, the fullness of her ass. Lillian spun around facing her husband once again pulling a vial of red liquid from her bosom. Hades reached out to touch the vial, but Lillian withdrew it from him—keeping it safe from his grasp.

Sweat poured out from his pours for the excitement was too much for the King. "Is this the surprise you had planned, my love?"

Lillian's eyes grew cold and distant. Her smile was cruel. "Why, yes, my King, my husband, it is. But first let us drink before I hand over your gift. I let the fairies that live in the woods to pick out the gift for you, my dear husband. And they had. Indeed, they had. Their instructions were simple. I should place one full vial into wine and allow the king to sip. Are you ready, my love?"

The King nodded. Lillian snapped her fingers as a minotaur came with a silver tray that held their chalices. She smiled as she poured the red liquid into her husband's drink. Hades smiled, then pressed his lips to the rim of the cup and drank long and deep.

"That's it, my love. Drink every last drop."

The king gave a foolish smile then placed his chalice on the silver tray. "I did what was asked of me, my wife. What does this potion do?"

Lillian snapped her finger for the second time. Derkar appeared with a mahogany box in his hands. "Thank you Derkar. You may place the box on the table. My love, I had Hermon fashion you a new and powerful sword. A sword that traps the souls of the one being impaled. The eye in the center shows you who is your true enemy."

Hades laughed with delight. "You had this made for me?"

"Aye, my darling. Walk to the box and claim what is yours."

The King marveled, looking over the markings that Hermon had placed on top of the lid. His fingers slowly but carefully glided over the smoothness of the polished wood. "The work is incredible I must admit! I am beyond words to say how grateful I am to you my Queen," he said before opening the wooden box.

The Queen saw her King's hesitation in opening the box. "Well... Go on, open it." Said Lillian encouraging her King.

Hades simply looked over his shoulder for a moment. "I am sorry, but the work done to this... Well, I was afraid to touch it due to its beauty." The King opened the lid to the box slowly with great respect, respecting the work that Hermon placed upon it. To the King's surprise, the sword inside the box held the most beautiful sword that he had ever seen. The sword itself laid upon the finest red silk that lined the box. "Oh! Oh! My Queen! Look, look at what Hermon had made." He turned to her. "I truly love it! A thousand thanks my Queen.

Lillian placed her arm around her Kings broad shoulders. I made this with love, My King. Now! It is time to place it in your hand to feel the weight of the sword. Look deeply into the center of the sword. The eye will open a vision will appear.

"Aye! Aye! I shall see my love. I shall see indeed."

Hades wrapped his hand around the handle of the blade, then hoisted it into the air for the first time. The King felt a strange power that he had never felt before emitting from the sword. The center the eye did open. "What is the name of this sword, my love?"

"Hermon calls it the Reaper." Replied the Queen.

The King broke his gaze from the sword's eye then began wielding it, hearing the blade cut through the air nearly making it sing. "Aw, the Reaper it is, my love, my Queen."


Queen Lillian was cunning and cruel. She pulled from her hair a golden dagger, allowing her red hair to fall to her shoulders. "Look inside the eye of the Reaper and see thy enemy."

King Hades did what was told of him by his Queen. He brought the sword to his face, then stared deeply into its eye.

Lillian held her dagger tightly, her knuckles whitened, she breathed deeply without disturbing her husband, for she was cunning. Her mouth hung open with great anticipation, feeling her heart grow with every breath she took. She could almost taste the King's blood. The King lowered his treasured gift, his sword. He felt ill and weak. Again, he hoisted the sword and continued to stare, waiting for what the sword may reveal to him.

Lillian's eyes grew dark as an image started to form at the center of the Reaper. Still, the King remain the fool as he kept staring at the eye of the sword. A form did appear. A female form with an hourglass figure but the features were dark. Hades finally took his eyes from his sword only to find Lillian, with blade poised ready to strike. There was nothing for the King to do as Lillian thrusted her dagger deep into her husband's eye! The King of Hades fell with a great thud along with the Reaper. Lillian picked up the Reaper and finished Hades once and for all. She thrusted the Reaper deep inside his heart. The soul of a god was torn from his mortal flesh.

"The potion I gave to thee were indeed from the fairies of the woods, my dear sweet husband. It turns gods into mortals." With one last thrust, the sword deepened, and claimed the Kings Soul for all time.

The Queen of the damned dragged the Reaper behind her as she claimed his throne.

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