chapter eleven

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sunoo and niki were walking on the alleys of the park they went to. it was quiet and comfortable, it wasn't really cold either, so we could say it was like a perfect night. there weren't many people who walked around the park, like them, and that made it even better. the two of them were now on a bridge, that was over the lake. the lights were now turned on, making it a little brighter there, and, around the lake, were found some small lights that shined in different colours.

it was so pretty.

"i wanna take some pictures, it looks beautiful" sunoo said and took out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.

"want me to take some of you too?" niki offered as he stared down at sunoo's phone, then back at his eyes.

sunoo smiled, "that would be great, thank you" he handed him the phone with a grin and niki took some steps back, while preparing the phone. sunoo started posing and niki was clicking pictures.

and that went on, for about 4 minutes.

"aren't you tired? your storage is crying right now" niki mumbled as he finally streched a little, after trying to take good photos of sunoo.

the older pouted, "come on, 5 more" he whined and niki sighed. "fine"

he went back to the photoshoot, as he zoomed in sunoo's face more.

he was so pretty.

he unknownignly grinned, staring a little at his face. sunoo thought he was still taking pictures, so he continued posing. Gosh, he is so adorable.

niki pursed his lips and took one more photo, and then handed sunoo his phone back.

the younger put his elbows back on the bar of the bridge, and looked at the sky.

the other one, once he got his phone back, he started scanning the photos and a pleased smile made its way on his face.

he slowly walked next to niki again, while still admiring the pictures. "i look handsome"

niki chuckled when he heard that, but definitely couldn't deny it; sunoo is really handsome.

the older turned his face to niki. "how about i click some photos of you too?"

niki shook his head, "no need to"

"oh, but i want that"

"well, i said you don't need to"

"come onnn, some pictures won't hurt"

niki quietly sighed "why do you want to take photos of me, in the first place i mean-"

"because you're handsome"

once he heard that, niki stopped his tracks and froze in place. did sunoo just call him handsome?

he blushed as he scratched the back of his neck shyly.

sunoo giggled and held niki's hand, turning him around and taking some steps back too.

"pose" he said while getting his phone, opening it.

"and how should i? i'm really bad at-''

''just do something natural! you know, stare to the side, and lean on the bar'' sunoo smiled as he was ready to click pictures. he waited for niki to roll his eyes and sigh, before doing what sunoo said.

''okay, now don't move'' sunoo was now taking pictures of the latter who seemed uncomfortable at first, but eventually started to loosen up.

for about a minute, sunoo was trying to have the best photos of niki. ''done? i can't stay like this anymore'' niki spoke as he tried to not move. sunoo giggled and nodded, closing the camera and going to the gallery.

''woah, you look so pretty! here!'' sunoo exclaimed excitedly which made niki smile a little; taking a glance at the photos. he really doesn't look bad. the younger nodded as he leaned on the bar again and averted his gaze back at the sky.

sunoo closed his phone, and looked over at niki who was busy admiring the view.

he is so pretty; he thought.

sunoo stared at his eyes, which were glancing at the different stars on the sky.

why is he so perfect?

that's the thing sunoo has been thinking about for days. he couldn't get niki out of his mind at all. everything he saw, did or listened to, reminded him of niki.

gosh, idiot. don't fall in love with him!

he couldn't go a day without checking up on the younger, asking him different things, just starting to know about him more. he loved the way niki was always listening to him carefully whenever he talked about his interests and actually seeming to care about what he is saying.

it's the absolute same for niki too, though.

all he could think about was sunoo. he was on his mind 24/7. he finds himself smiling at the older, admiring his beautiful eyes and smile; something he wishes he could protect forever. sunoo was like a blessing. ever since he appeared in his life, everything was suddenly becoming better. he loved that so much, it was the first time when he experienced true happiness, and it was all because of sunoo.

thanks to sunoo, he was slowly becoming the real him again.

even though they're so different, they complete eachother.


some days later

"are you ready? come on, i ain't waiting for you all day!" niki stomped his foot. he was on the hallway of sunoo's house, in front of his room door, waiting for the older to put on some clothes as they were going to school. it's monday and this week they don't have classes. the entire school does any activities they want. for example, the ones who are into art, are having different competitions such as sculpture, painting and more. niki and sunoo both picked music since they didn't know what to pick, and found out some of their friends picked this too. so, it's going to be fun.

or that's what sunoo thought.

"wait! i need to find my pants, where the fuck are they?!" sunoo screamed from his room when he realized they were running late.

niki sighed and face-palmed himself as he waited for the older.

"it's impossible you can't find some pants, sunoo. pick whatever and let's just go!" the younger said, now going towards the stairs and waiting at the exit door for sunoo.

"no, i need to find those! they looked good with my outfit!"

niki pursed his lips and sighed for the nth time today.

silence filled the entire house for about a good minute.

"i found them!" sunoo screamed in happiness and soon he came down all dressed up and looking really happy that he found his pants.

niki nodded and got out of the house. "i swear to god, you're worse than a girl."

sunoo pouted, "how could you say that? i was pretty fast!"

"yeah yeah sure"

the older locked the exit door, and ran towards niki who was already walking fast.

"wait for me, oh my god"

niki rolled his eyes as he stopped his tracks and waited for sunoo to catch up with him. he chuckled seeing at how slow of a walker sunoo is, and after that looked away.

"don't laugh, niki. not funny at all" sunoo rolled his eyes. "anyways, what do we have this week as activities?"

"well, today its a thing with music, i don't know, tomorrow we have to clean up the school garden, then wednesday we will go in the park, thursday we'll go on a trip and friday we are free" niki says and makes sunoo impressed.

"how did you remember-"

niki shrugged and got his hand in his, and started to run "i don't know but we better hurry up"

sunoo pouted as he felt like he was out of breath, but eventually ran with niki.

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