Chapter 2

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"Upstairs.... Now..." My heartbeat quickened as he kept staring at him, Scourge got annoyed; his growl becoming even deeper.

Just say it, Just say it

"No." Everything in the house seemed to freeze at that moment, including the dog they owned, Millie, was just sitting in between both hedgehogs. "What?" Sonic was thinking of backing down but he stood his ground. "No. I said no." The alpha hummed deeply, grabbing the omegas wrist and neck in two quick movements, pinning the omega against the door. "I don't think you have a choice."

"Nah, Actually I do. I don't want to be your omega anymore, You're nothing but a whore who doesn't have anything else to do than fuck up other peoples lives." Sonic regretted those words the moment they left his mouth, Scourge stared at him flabbergasted that he had just spoken to him in that way.

"You." He tightened his grip on his neck, almost choking him. "Fucking." He closed the gap between them. "Bitch." Leaning his face closer to the omegas neck. "Don't test me more than you already have..." The omega was slightly trembling but since he kept standing his ground it was creating a challenge to the alpha

Scourge was about to bite down when all he felt was a kick to his stomach, he let go of the omega crouching down hugging himself. Sonic leaned over, picking up his phone that fell out of Scourge's jean pocket, walked past him going upstairs and locking himself in the guest bedroom. He started texting Silver, finally seeing the message.

· True, Tbh. Most alphas are just jerks-

- Yeah. Sorry he took my phone away, I kicked him in the stomach so I just worsened my situation.

He waited for a reply, after receiving nothing his phone started ringing at a loud volume. "Shit. Shit. Shit." On the other side of the phone he heard a worried voice. "Has he punished you yet?..." The cobalt sighed. "Not yet, and I hope he won't." Both hedgehogs now talking inaudibly, Sonic was sitting near the window not hearing the door creak open. Slowly the alpha walked in unnoticed until Sonic hung up the phone, Chuckling as he turned around and his face dropped.

"Hey there blue~" Sonic shook his head, Afterwards he glanced down at himself. Please not now. His heat usually lasted 9 through eighteen days but it didn't start till next week. When the alpha saw that he had just fallen into heat, The biggest smirk came onto his face now walking towards the cobalt at a normal speed. "Get away..." Sonic growled trying to intimidate but all that happened was him falling onto his knees panting, Scourge loomed over him, He had used his pheromones on the omega; picking Sonic up tossing him over his back and carrying him towards their bedroom, He started to struggle.

"Let go! Stop!" His body wasn't listening to him. He kept kicking and screaming before the alpha dropped him onto the bed, The omega immediately scurried to the other side glaring at Scourge. "Look. You've already turned this the hard way, so lets get over with it." Sonic stared at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious... You started this! You kissed her, I'm not fucking blind!" After saying that Scourge grabbed his leg roughly, hauling the omega towards him. Sonic's eyes widened, as he tried reaching the other side of the bed. "Oh no you don't." The alpha climbed over the omega, just straight up pissed. "I- "


Some elite alpha had grabbed scourge by the collar of his leather jacket, and slammed him into the wall. Silver came running in and hugged Sonic who was crying and didn't even realize it, The Alpha came closer to both omegas. "My name's Mephiles, You might know me already because of Silver." Sonic smiled. "Thank you so much..." He wiped his tears before getting off the bed and walking towards the 'his' alpha.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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