Chapter 1

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"How can you do that Scourge! A year! An entire fucking year!" Sonic was pissed, glaring at his 'boyfriend'. "Baby please, Let me explain. She kissed me, She kissed me." The cobalt slapped the alpha straight in the face. "I don't fucking care! You shouldn't have kissed back, You betrayed me!" The alpha was starting to get fed up with the omegas protest against him, He grabbed Sonics shoulders, before snarling which made the omega silent. "I'm your alpha, and I won't tolerate you speaking to me this way! Now if you don't want me to get physical with you, Get the fuck upstairs." 

Shits about to go down...

"You know what... Go rot in hell." The omega freed himself from the alphas hold, leaving upstairs; He had been punished before by scourge and it wasn't a pleasurable experience. He was closing the door to their bedroom when suddenly... SLAM... Shivers went down his back when he accidently slammed the door; hearing footsteps race up the stairs after the slam. "I'm fucked, I'm fucked." He immediately ran into the bathroom, locking it from the inside. The door to the bedroom swung open. "Where the hell are you!?

He glanced at the slightly closed window. "Perfect." He started climbing through it, when he came face to face with the alpha who finally opened the bathroom door. The omega immediately jumped down, I've suffered worst landings, He dusted off his knees and ran away from there. "Ugh..." He looked around town until he found a 5-Star hotel, He checked in after 30 mins in the line, Doing the dreadful mistake of using Scourge's card. "That'll be 46$ dollars, please." A brown squirrel spoke to him, Sonics eyes widened. "46$?..." The mid-class beta sighed. "Sir, you're holding up the line. Do you have the money or not?"

The cobalt quickly searched through his wallet, finding a credit card. "Do you take VISA?" The beta nodded. "Ok perfect, Here you go." Giving the cobalt the keys, She shooed him along rudely, the cobalt just rolled his eyes; leaving the line. "Okay, Room Number 218... Aha! Yes!" Sonic opened the door, revealing another hedgehog who was showering. "Yeah- No." He left, walking back down the hallway stopping halfway, seeing a staff member. "Oh Hey, Excuse me?" A grey and white wolf now gazing over to the blue omega. 

"Yes?~" The alpha smirked, his eyes traveling up and down the omega with no shame. Sonic stood there disgusted, before groaning. "Uh-huh... Ok, I think I was given the wrong room keys, I'm paired with some other omega?" The wolf chuckled asking what room number it was. "Room 218? Oh yes, A silver hedgehog came a few hours ago for that room, I rang him in; I'll see what I can do for you." The alpha now uninterested when Sonic purposely gave off a scent that he was claimed already. The wolf came back pretty quickly. "I don't think I can help you with that, Your stuck with the room; But hope you enjoy." 

The alpha left leaving the cobalt dumbfounded, He went back to the room, putting the key into the hole, opening the door; seeing the other omega who was over by the bed, placing something into his suitcase. "Oh Hello, You must be the new roommate they just called me about." The cobalt gazed at the hedgehog up and down. "Yeah, But I wasn't aware; Name's Sonic by the way." The other omega nodded. "Silver, Nice too meet you, Why are you here by the way? I mean- not to get into your business or anything- I was just- You know what nevermind." The cobalt laughed, closing the door. "Hey, Calm down you're fine; and about the question, It's my alpha." Silver looked at him confused. The omega needed someone to vent too, sighing before spilling the tea


A few hours later...

Both hedgehogs were in their beds talking like old friends. "So he really said that to you?" The blue one laughed. "Yup, Jumped through the window though just before he caught me" Silver started laughing so hard. "Oh my Chaos, That was so good. The reason I'm here is that my crush is at my house with my mom having a talk with her about dating me; My mom texted me in advance to save the embarrassment of walking in on them" Sonic grinned. "Oh a crush, Who?" The Silver omega blushed. "His name is Mephiles, He's in college though so I don't get to talk to him a lot because of his classes; But we always talk on FaceTime."

The cobalt smirked. "Y'know you're a nice person to be around, Do you want to exchange num-" The door to the room swung open. "Found ya!" The alpha grinned walking towards the omega, glancing at Silver as his eyes travelled back to the blue one. "C'mon were going home; I already took care of the room checkout." He said calmly like as if it was nothing. "How the fuck did you find me?! This place is 5 miles from home!" Scourge just chuckled darkly, sending chills down the cobalts back. "You idiot... You used my card. A notification hit up my phone; Such a spoiled brat; 46 dollars. Are you serious?"

Reality set in when he said that and it was true, Sonic looked over to Silver who was sitting there intimidated by the alpha. He had scribbled something down on a paper, handing it to sonic. The alpha dragged him out of the room; while both omegas were trying their best to not even laugh seeing how pissed the alpha was, But deep down inside?... He was terrified and knew he would get an earful when they got in the car.

It was nice knowing everyone

Sonic shut the car door, not even daring to look up to the alpha who was typing something on his phone. "So uh..." Scourge glared over at the omega when he started speaking and Sonic shut his mouth so quick to not anger the alpha more than he already was. He pulled out his phone when he got a text message now realizing that scourge had texted him over 30 times...

I think I'd like hyacinth at my funeral

He put in his airpods, pretending to listen to some music as he texted silver, glancing towards his alpha every now and then since they were on the road now.

- Hey

· Dude you're still alive?

- Miraculously yes.

· Has anything happened so far? Are you ok?

- He won't talk to me, at least not yet.

· Try flirting maybe he'll give in, works for me.

- Scourge isn't like that, I think the first thing that would happen when I flirt with him is the bedroom.


He wasn't able to read the end of the text before Scourge snatched away his phone, turning off the car; They were in their driveway.

No fucking way 5 miles went by so quick-

The omega just stared at the driveway, Scourge opened the door to his side not saying anything. Sonic did the same hopping out of the vehicle, Both hedgehogs walked back into the house dead silent. One pissed, The other scared but still mad. They looked at each other before the alpha growled lowly

"Upstairs.... Now..."

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