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( Told in Sora's perspective )

I was never really noticed by anyone.
Satoko would always be the object of my parent's affection, and everyone else's attention. After all, she became an idol at the age of 10. She was considered a prodigy, while I was in her shadow.
At first, I wasn't very upset about it. Sure I was a bit envious, but I encouraged her to keep going. She did seem really happy when preforming. She would also encourage me to do things as well. We were both content with our lives for awhile.
That was until she started acting distant. Satoko would never talk to me anymore. When she did talk to me though, it was never good. She always called me things like worthless and a failure.

" Maybe she's going through a phase..? Or maybe idol life wasn't treating her well.... She's probably going to go back to normal soon ", I thought back then.

Nope. This happened almost every day for the next year. I'm not sure why Satoko started acting like that, but I wanted answers. So one day, I decided to confront Satoko about this - about everything. What happened to her? I met her by the lockers after school one day.

" W-what is going on with you...? Why do you always treat me like garbage now..? Did I do something wrong? We weren't like this before..! If something bad is happening with your idol stuff, then just tell me or our parents..! Why do you need to treat me like this..? ", I asked, trying to voice all of my feelings.

She looked at me as if I was crazy.

" What did you do wrong?! WHAT DIDN'T YOU DO WRONG?! YOU ARE THE WORST EXCUSE FOR A BROTHER!! ", she yelled, not elaborating.

" How am I the worst excuse for a brother then? You didn't even answer my question! I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WITH ME SO I CAN FIX IT AND WE COULD GO BACK TO NORMAL! ", I shouted.

People were staring now. Some got out their phones, recording. Some were whispering. I didn't care in that moment, I just wanted my life to go back to normal.
Satoko also noticed people were gathering around.

" You really want to know what you did wrong? I'll spell it out for you, e x i s t i n g. THAT'S WHAT YOU DID WRONG! NOW, GET OUT OF MY FACE! ", she answered as she pushed me into the lockers.

People started laughing. I was never really noticed by them, until now. I didn't like it though. The laughing was so loud in my ears. I could feel the intense stares I got. I wanted to cry. I wanted to run away.
What did I even do?! I never said or did anything rude to Satoko. Suddenly she was disgusted with my existence?
I finally got up from the locker Satoko pushed me into. People were still laughing. I tried to ignore them and just went home.
I don't remember much else that day.
Everyday after that was rinse and repeat.
Satoko's friends started beating me up every day after school. Rumors were spread. Everyone would laugh at me, call me names.
I hated it. I'd had enough.
I finally had the courage to tell my parents. They just ignored me though. Later, they told me to go along with them to one of her solo performances.
When I watched Satoko's performance, it felt... off. She was singing about happiness and fun, things idols usually sing about. But her expression looked lifeless. Sure she was smiling, but she didn't look like she was happy. Satoko looked absolutely insane. She then looked at me, and stopped smiling for a split second. It didn't seem like anyone else noticed.

" Look at your sister on stage, why can't you be like her...? ", mom whispered.

I didn't respond.
After the performance, my parents stayed with Satoko, and told me to go home. When they came back, it very late in the night. I heard Satoko crying, and mom and dad comforting her. Then, she came up into my room and started screaming at me.

" ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! IM NOT AN IDOL ANYMORE!!! ", she screamed.

" How is it my fault?! ", I asked.

" BECAUSE YOU'RE THE WORST!!!!! ", she yelled as she walked out of my room.

I couldn't go to sleep after that.
I overheard my parents talking about signing Satoko up for another idol agency... and something else.

" What are we going to do about him?! ", mom asked.

" Absolutely nothing! He doesn't need any talent or job, he can just stay here for the rest of his life! ", dad said.

" But what will people say about him? We have Satoko who is clearly more talented than him. I don't want people to think I have a failure son. ", mom replied.

" Tch.. it doesn't matter! We'll talk about this in the morning! ", dad said.

" Failure son...? "
That was much worse to hear coming from my own parents rather than my classmates.

Maybe I should start doing something.

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