This Bitch is Not 'Just Right'

Depuis le début

Milton Grimm was an aging, middle aged man with a perfectly pressed royal blue waistcoat, midlength curly, stringy black hair and untrustworthy green eyes. An air of pretentiousness surrounded him. He seemed like a sycophant who had somehow managed to get to the top through his boot licking, and wanted to stay in the good graces of his benefactor through any means necessary.

Sabrina hated him on sight.

"Good morning, Headmaster Grimm. We're here to discuss what classes my friend would like to take this semester. I told you about her yesterday. You remember her, right?", Apple asked with all the kindness expected of the next Snow White.

Grimm nodded and looked at the still very unimpressed Sabrina appraisingly, as if gauging how useful she could be to him. Eventually, the glint in his eyes told Sabrina that she was apparently of use to him, because his false smile widened just a tad

"Yes, I remember. Sabrina Michaelis, was it?", the man asked. Sabrina nodded wordlessly, and Grimm preened with some sort of pride that Sabrina wanted to smack out of him.

"I take it you have enjoyed your time in Ever After. It must be quite... different from your homeland.", he said. Sabrina's irritation with the headmaster grew at his small, indirect way of calling her a hick. Sabrina shrugged.

"Different doesn't necessarily mean good.", she snarked back. Grimm's smile dropped and his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Well, regardless, I trust the inn you've stayed at so far has been treating you well?", the man asked, and Sabrina realized that Apple must have lied to him and said she was living in Bookend while she was waiting to enroll. If only he knew that she, a half demon with no noble or royal blood, was sharing a bed with the Prince of Ever After. It made her want to cackle.

Remembering Apple and his task, Sabrina made sure all of Grimm's attention was on her before giving her boyfriend a look out of the corner of her eye. Apple noticed her gaze and nodded subtly, slowly shuffling off towards a bookshelf behind the headmaster's desk while he and Sabrina were engaged in a staring contest. Sabrina shrugged again in response to the headmaster's question about her lodgings.

"It's okay, but I'd rather get settled into school as soon as possible. So, what classes can I take?", the black haired girl asked. Grimm straightened his posture even more (Sabrina wondered if that was possible).

"Yes well, there are many options available to a young lady such as yourself. There's Environmental Magic, Art, Damsel-in-Distressing- ", Grimm monologued. Sabrina's eyebrows met her hairline when she heard the name of the last class. As she did this, Apple was quietly rifling through various books on the headmaster's shelf, running a finger along the words on pages as he tried to find the information they were both looking for.

"I'm sorry, 'Damsel-in-Distressing'?", she asked, unable to believe her ears. Headmaster Grimm nodded seriously.

"Yes, Damsel-in-Distressing. It teaches young ladies how to properly wait to be rescued by their heroes. Would you be interested in attending?", he asked. Sabrina looked at him like he was crazy, then started cackling like she was crazy, causing the headmaster to be taken aback, and for Apple to take a break from his search to smile at her fondly.

"M-me? Be rescued? Willingly? That's-HAH! Not in a million years! Nah old man, what else you got?", she asked, holding her sides. Headmaster Grimm bristled at her new nickname for him, but decided to brush it off as a cultural difference.

"We also have Crownculus, History of Tall Tales, and- ", the man went on, and Sabrina cut him off with a chuckle.

"My God, is everything a pun with you people? I'm not interested in any of those classes. Bring me a list, show me everything you've got.", the girl asked (more like demanded).

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