(Chapter 5)

The masters


Author POV

"Is it true?" the voice pierced the silence, red eyes watching with curiosity and hope.

The creature merely leant down, baring the human soul to the master, the marking on the soul's chest clear to see. The creature's ears flicked taking in the small detail of the intake of breath the master took.

"Bring him" the master departed, the creature followed, making sure to stay several steps behind the master. It did not deserve to walk close, that was a privilege only give to a few, the creature was not amongst those few. 

The master walked in flowing steps, the robe he wore floating gracefully around each step, as fluid as water. The creature casted its eyes to the floor never lifting them, instead watching the occasional flicker of the silk material of the master's robe in its eyeline. 

Finally the master opened a heavy door that was intricately carved, depicting a story of sorts. Not one that the creature was familiar with, they didn't tell stories down in the bottom levels. The creature's eyes flickered over the mural, taking every detail, for this would be the first and last time it ever saw something of this nature. 

"They found him." the master's voice shook slightly.

That captured the attention of the other masters in the room, their luminous eyes turned to look at the creature, each detail of colour was haunting, unnerving. The creature's spine almost forced itself to straighten, feeling the weight of those gazes.

"Lay him down" the master with luminous green eyes instructed, gesturing to the ornate table in the centre of the circular room. It was so intricate in its design it formed a centre piece of sorts, something worthy of the human soul that was lain delicately upon it. 

"He has returned to us at last, he is always the last one." the purpled eyed master spoke.

The creature backed off into the corner, allowing the masters to gaze upon the life bringer.

"You have done well, what is your name so we might reward you for your service" the orange eyed master turned to look at the creature.

"I have no name, things in the dark have no need for names" the creature's voice sounded scratchy it wasn't used to talking much, it had talked more in the past few hours than it had in the centuries of its life.

"Then what do you want for a reward?" the orange eyed master pressed.

"To see the life bringer back to what he once was" the creature's eyes glanced upon the unconscious human soul once more. Such precious cargo it has delivered, reluctant to leave it.

"Then you shall be his guard, protecting him for the duration of eternity or as long as your life dictates" the orange eyed master declared.

The creature felt the magic wash over it, sinking into its bones, twisted spine straightening ever so slightly. The promotion settling in.

"Leave us for now, tell the butlers of your job and they shall direct you from there" the green eyes master spoke.

The creature cast one last look to the human soul before it ambled out of the door, claws clicking on the smooth floor, the heavy doors slamming shut behind them with a resounding thud that echoed through the silent room. 


When the universe formed, it started with one.


Time is the one that has been around the longest, back when they were a void of green. 

Then there was life, that golden light, that birthed the galaxies into existence, gave worlds lush abundant growth. Gave time a form that contained the explosive void that had filled the universe for an unknown duration.

But soon life became crowded, so Death became its counterpart. That dark purple that consumed worlds, balancing the scales. 

Then came space, the one who pushed worlds apart giving distance, aiding galaxies in developing within the constraints of the universe. Expanding boundaries till they no longer existed, filling them with a void of electric blue.

That is when reality reset the boundaries once more, forcing things to become real and solid. Those ruby red lines drawn between galaxies separating them from one another.

With realities contribution came evolution, the life evolving, changing and forming. The pink dust settling onto all the living forms, changing them, allowing them to think, become the potential they began as.

But with evolutions contribution came power, the violet void messing the balance of the scales, always forcing them to tip precariously depending upon the world. 

Thus the universes, galaxies and world were formed through the 7 voids.


Those violet eyes gazed down upon the human soul. Thoughtfully it turned itself to Time. They were the one that all the other voids turned to when they required guidance as they were the oldest of them all. 

"What do we do?" Power asked.

"They made the choice to live a life amongst the worlds, we must allow their memories to return. However long that might take, watch over him ensure he is safe till his soul is strong enough" Time gave their guidance.

The other voids inclined their heads, those luminous eyes remaining upon the human soul upon the time.

"Clearly their life did not fair well" Reality's hand traced the air above the golden cut around the human soul's throat.

"A life in the world of humans rarely does" Death spoke, those dark purple eyes straying from the human soul momentarily to look at Reality.

"Humans are cruel, they sacrifice their own for foolish reasons. It would appear that is what happened" Reality's eyes lit up brighter than they already were momentarily the only sign of anger that would be revealed.

"But he is home, safe now" Space spoke, those far away electric blue eyes looked around the room as if looking for confirmation of their statement.

"Indeed" Time filled the space of silence with a sound of confirmation.

"Welcome home Life" 


So what are we thinking?

Each one of these voids are a BTS member, but who do you think is each member?

There is Time, Reality, Life, Space, Death, Power and Evolution. 

I really hoped that you enjoyed the chapter.

Things will start to make more sense in the next few chapters if you have been confused up until now. This is the first chapter really that I am giving you an insight into the book and its proper world.





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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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