Tere Saath

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Murtasim recieving the chit from the kid was confused looking at it. He remembered how Meerab was angry, hurt a while back but now her calling into their room wasn't making any sense to him. Nevertheless he thought she wanted to talk to him about it so he went towards their room with a small smile.

Meerab on other hand wanted to disappear from the place. She was in love. Yes Meerab was hopelessly in love with her husband Murtasim Khan. She wanted to confess but she was scared. She know she did wrong with him, she was feeling guilty of going against him in mariyam's matter. She remembered how his eyes had tears while he confessed about his "chahat" and was vulnerable in front of her. She wanted to ask forgiveness and make everything right between them but the first word she heard from him after so long is haya. The woman who's a thorn in their married life. Sighing she walked towards their room to get a lone time for herself.

Murtasim entered inside their room to find none. He was about to turn when someone hugged him from behind. He realised that it wasn't his wife. No.
He was about to turn when he heard something.

Meerab: Murtasim.

Meerab came to their room to see haya hugging her husband. She whispered his name in disbelief. She was hurt, angry and was in pain. She witnessed which she didn't wanted to even in her dreams.

Murtasim jerked Haya's hand and turned around to see Meerab standing at their room's threshold and looking at him questioningly. She had slight tears in her eyes but she never let it come out.

Murtasim (hurriedly) : Meerab..Meerab trust me.. i .. i thought you called me to the room ...i ...i recieved the chit sent by you.

Murtasim started to explain everything in fear. He didnt wanted to loose her again. Never.

Meerab (calmly) : where is the chit??

Murtasim started to search the chit but didn't find it anywhere. He looked at Meerab in helplessness.

Aneela who was searching for Meerab came to see her standing infront of their room.

Aneela : Meerab what are you doing here?? Maa begum is calling you. Chalo let's go.

Aneela came towards Meerab and was surprised to see Murtasim and Haya standing there. She understood something was wrong but didn't point it out.

Meerab : You go , I will come right now.

Murtasim and Haya both were surprised by her reaction. This was not the Meerab they know. Murtasim knew Meerab wasn't feeling good. She would have accused him by now, shouting at him and calling names but no Meerab was so calm and silent.

Aneela nodded and went out. Meerab gave one last glance at them and went out. Murtasim ran towards Meerab. He caught her arm and spun around. She collided with his chest.

Murtasim: Meerab listen to me please. Trust me I..

Meerab(interrupting) : Murtasim let's attend the wedding first and then talk about this ok??

Murtasim was confused by her behaviour but nevertheless nodded his head. Meerab was saying let's talk so he thought he have a chance to explain.

Meerab shrugged his hand and came towards the place where the wedding was almost done. She went towards mariyam and gave her a tight hug. Mariyam though could catch that Meerab wasn't fine still didn't ask her anything but hugged her back. Meerab controlled her tears. She was exhausted from everything.
Meerab released herself from the hug and smiled at mariyam. Though it was a small faint smile mariyam could see it was genuine one for her. Mariyam returned her smile.

Meerab : Happy married life mariyam. Hope you will forget everything happened till date and give yourself and naurez a chance , your happiness a chance.

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