At her words, Amaya remembered how she felt about the prince when they first met. She feels it every second with him. Death haunts him. Keres goes for him.

However, she could not reveal this to anyone.

"There are ways to become a king," Amaya said. "Fate is unpredictable."

As Amaya walked down the hall, Zariah stopped her. She tore her aside, away from prying eyes and ears.

"Where are you going dressed like this?" she stared at her uncomprehendingly.

"To the party," Amaya replied.

"You're starting to like it here too much, Amaya," Zariah chided her.

"No, Zariah," Amaya objected. "I just don't plan on sitting in my chambers all day waiting for something to change."

"You're not even trying to run away," Zariah said.

"Trust me, if there was a way out I would be gone by now but for now I just have to rely on the goodwill of the prince to protect me from the royal guards trying to kill me," Amaya said irritated. Zariah's reproaches were beginning to annoy her. "But you didn't find a way out either. So excuse me Zariah, but I'm going to enjoy myself and you can talk about how horrible this place is for now." she walked around her and disappeared around the nearest corner.

Intoxicating music wafted through the gardens. The sweet melody of string instruments wafted through the air. The colored glass of the lanterns covered the landscape in an iridescent cloak. Their glow cast red, blue, purple, green... shadows. They mingled with the fading rays of sunlight. The sweet scent of flowers and delicious food filled the air. There were silver trays full of cakes, roast meat and fruit on the tables. Richly decorated pillows and blankets were spread out on the grass, on which the harem girls sat and enjoyed the atmosphere.

Prince Ciaran was under siege by concubines. They all wanted to dance with him and he, being a gentleman, could not refuse any of them. It was their night and he was to fulfill all their wishes.

Amaya watched from behind as his girls didn't give him a breather. He hadn't danced with one yet, another one was already pressing on. She found it amusing how they vied for his attention. At the same time also suspicious. Either the prince lied to her or he really wasn't interested in any of them.

"Jealous?" came the general's voice behind her. She turned to him.

"No," she replied. "Should I have a reason?"

"After what I saw today?" he gave her a look that challenged her to deny it.

"That was a spur of the moment," Amaya said.

"Then why are you in such a bad mood?" General Marcellus asked her.

"Is it that obvious?"

"You're evasive."

"Zariah scolded me for liking it here too much in Hiraeth," Amaya answered truthfully.

"We can send her away if she's causing trouble," suggested the general.

"That won't be necessary just yet, General Marcellus," Amaya said.

"But if you need it, I'm ready to help," said General Marcellus.

"I'll remember that." she gave him a fleeting smile.

Someone tapped Amaya on the shoulder. She expected that when she turned around, she would see him, but her expectations were disappointed by the sight. In front of her stood a girl with hair the color of fire. Freckles decorated her face.

"It's a great honor to finally meet you, Miss Amaya," she said.

Amaya noticed out of the corner of her eye how General Marcellus smirked at her side. She felt like elbowing him right in the ribs.

"Nice to meet you too..."

"Drea. My name is Drea." an unknown girl from the prince's harem introduced herself. "I come from a small village on the border of Amorite. I was kidnapped shortly after the war began."

Drea gave General Marcellus a murderous look and Amaya laughed.

"How do you explain that, General?" she said with a mischievous smile.

The general raised his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. "It's not my orders, nor Prince Ciaran's," he said. "Aim your anger at King Mael."

"Miss Amaya, I don't want to leave," Drea told her. "I would like to remain at your service."

"I'm sorry, but Prince Ciaran rules here. That decision is up to him," Amaya said.

"What decision is up to me?" Prince Ciaran appeared at their beck and call and wrapped his arms around Amaya's waist. He rested his head on her shoulder.

"Drea would like to stay," Amaya told him.

"Why?" the prince asked her in confusion. "Don't you want to see your family again?"

"My family is wonderful, but they are farmers and I have no future there, Your Highness," Drea replied. "It would be a great honor for me to remain working in the service of one who has been blessed by the gods."

"What do you want, Amaya? I'll do whatever you say," said Ciaran.

"I want her to stay," Amaya said. "It will be nice to have someone other than Zariah here. Especially someone who won't mistake me for a witch."

"In that case, it will be as you say." Ciaran turned his gaze to Drea. "Welcome to our services, Drea."

A wide smile bloomed on her lips. "Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you." she kept repeating. "I swear I won't let you down."

"Will you dance with me, Amaya?" Ciaran offered her a shoulder. "After all, we have to show how perfectly we match each other."

"I chose that dress on purpose," Amaya said, accepting his shoulder.

"You want to show everyone that I'm all yours, little goddess?" Ciaran smirked.

"Perhaps." she gave him a mischievous smile.

"If you want me to be yours, just say it," he whispered gently in her ear.

Ciaran grabbed Amaya by the waist and pulled her closer to his body. They were only centimeters apart. Even through the space between them, she could feel his heart beating in his chest. It was as uncertain as hers. Her breath trembled. Prince Ciaran stepped to the beat of the slow tune and Amaya followed his steps. Everyone present watched them carefully. They were following a witch who was stealing their prince's heart.

But what if he was actually stealing hers?

Blessed by the Gods (Gods & Dark Creatures Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now