My breath hitched and my throat dried hearing his soft yet cold voice travelling down my ears. I gulped another lump forming in my throat before nodding my head slightly.

I couldn't dare to lift my gaze and look at him. It seems impossible. I didn't even know if he liked me or not. But it is not possible to ignore him now. Not when he was my fiancee.

Tucking at my lower lip, I brought my eyes to get a glimpse of him. Even though I was afraid and anxious, he was someone who would be an important person in my life soon. And there is no way I can avoid him forever.

I held my breath when I saw his wide shoulders and well-built physique as he was standing with his back facing me, talking with someone. I couldn't help but stare at his back.

Will he understand me? Will he support me? Or is it going to be the same as my parents? Only adjustments.

My chest tightened with the thoughts that were running in my mind nonstop. But I almost stopped breathing, when he turned around and looked directly into my eyes. I felt my world stopping in unknown dimensions as I senselessly stared into his eyes.

They were beautiful, hypnotizing, captivating. Just a mere eye contact and I already felt like drowning in the depth of his eyes. I flinched a little when he took a step closer to me and circled his hand around my waist, not so tightly to make me uncomfortable.

"She's Y/N. My fiancee."

The word fiancee slipped through his mouth like a honey drop to my ear. I felt dizzy just by standing so close to him. His intoxicating scent was blurring my mind, and with that state, I brought a light smile to my face to greet the unknown people standing in front of me. They smiled back and looked towards Namjoon.

"You got a really beautiful fiancee, I must say."

That statement made the heat rush to my cheeks and I blushed for some unknown reasons. It felt so mesmerizing.

Even if he was a stranger, his aura pulled me towards him with a mysterious force. Whenever I talked about him or heard about him, I felt the butterflies erupting in the pit of my stomach. The thought of marrying a perfect man like him made me blush to no limit.

Is it normal? Having these types of thoughts for a stranger whom I met just a week before was making me feel sick. It was definitely not normal.

Another few moments of standing with him and greeting the guests who came and wished us felt so exhausting. I've never felt so tired in my entire life.

I noticed the crowd getting thin as the people moved to have the food. Finally, I let out a sigh of relief but immediately straightened my posture realising I was standing beside him.

I turned my head a little sideways to see him talking on the phone. My lips parted to inhale a deep breath as I noticed his flawless features. The sharp jawline, sharp nose, dragon eyes, clear skin, and long neck. His long slender fingers held his phone close to his ear and I gulped just looking at him.

Wait!! What am I even thinking?

Shaking my head slightly I brought my eyes back to the front. I saw my parents walking towards us along with his parents, with wide grins on their faces. I return the smile, trying to calm my racing heart.

"You guys should also eat something."

His mother said while standing beside me and patting my shoulder. I nodded as it was the only thing I was good at. Nodding my head for everything.

I again glanced at Namjoon, who finished his call and diverted his attention to our conversation.

"Make sure she eats well."

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