31. Freestyle

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**fuck this stupid month and these challenges
**Don't get me wrong I loved it
**but damn I was just making the cut

**Happy Halloween!!
**Om nOM NoM

His first Halloween.

Halloween was a night that monsters often found offensive. Most, if not all, universes didn't celebrate it but if you were a multiverse traveler, then you'd know how some monsters have adapted this tradition.

It's basically the same thing but more terrifying. Cause... well. You don't know the difference between an average eccentric Halloween goer or the bad snanses coming to completely ruin your universe. The difference is near impossible.

Nightmare was quite interested in this multiversal holiday considering it was a time that scaring monsters out of their wits was hilarious. It was a double edged sword, on one end many souls are scared, providing him with negativity. On the other hand, it was considered a happy holiday with sweet treats and harmless pranks. Still, he enjoyed this one popular holiday and took full advantage of it to turn the balance of the multiverse to his side. His own worker drones also indulge themselves, dressing up in costumes that either took an entire month or the day of the night of frights. It was ridiculous but for their consistent loyalty, he'll bite.

Their night would begin soon, but they were missing one of theirs. He was powerful in body and strength but his mind was weak and malleable. He was a powerful ally yet even Nightmare questioned if he was worth it. His sense of time was off and they had no means of contact. Just knowing that they'd leave or help each other if they ever crossed paths.

"Let's go. He's not coming" It didn't matter if the glitch was time blind, if he wouldn't arrive on this date then he'd appear a few days later. His crew set on their universe hopping, Killer being Frankenstein, Horror being a simple insect, and dust had a lab coat over his coat. This year they decided to wait until yesterday to actually do the shopping and costume decorating. Their first universe was one that was largely unknown but was still multiversally known for it to celebrate this holiday; Outerswap.

They made their way through Snowdin, or Stardin, then Starfall where they were scaring the young residents of the falls. Screams followed them into the comet filled skies but then more horrified and dying screams came from behind them. They turned to hear blasters come from Stardin and looked at each other. Everyone was here, so that had to leave only one monster who could be causing destruction at this time of the year.

They waited for Error to catch up with them, believing he was just finishing up before coming to join them. Heavy breaths came closer and Error walked by.

"Damn, nice costume Error" Killer's comment seemed to catch his attention as he stopped and looked at Nightmare's group.

He walked with a limp with holes in his legs and clothing. He wore rags and he was clearly hunched over in both exhaustion and pain. Nightmare could feel the absolute turmoil going on in Error's head. His entire body hurts and blood and magic poured from his wounds. The most noticeable being the giant crack in his skull that took up most of his socket. His eye lights were shaking and he looked completely out of it. Strings hung from his phalanges and from his cheek, blood stained his fingertips which looked as if they were sharpened by a blade. He let out a dry cough which shook his entire body. He was freezing, being low on magic that he barely had enough to support himself, nonetheless enough to destroy an entire universe.

"Hey we got a few chocolate bars from the houses back in Stardin! Want any?"

Error looked at Killer in absolute shock, he couldn't physically answer even if he wanted to. His eyelights tried to focus on Killer, maybe on the chocolate bar that could be the difference between him passing out and him committing a crime worse than genocide, disobeying Fate.

He suffered in silence. As Nightmare answered for him. He was absolutely basking in the negativity that Error protruded. The pure suffering he went through on an hourly basis was a useful and ever full Magic reserve. Just tapping into that raw emotion could have his brother screaming for the hills and he could single handedly take control over five universes, six if he was already well fed on the negativity of the multiverse.

Error carried the balance on his shoulders and this was taking a huge toll on his health. He didn't care if his bones were degrading at every second or if his soul were breaking and tearing itself apart, he would continue destroying until he could t move. And then he would be used as a puppet to continue destroying. Blood would pour from his wounds as he was dragged around, universe by universe was destroyed after the bad sanses moved through, getting sweet treats and caring the life out of resident monsters.

Word eventually got out that universes were being destroyed and during one of their universes, Error was given his first chocolate bar. He had just been in the background, destroying buildings and deleting character files, but this time Horror quite literally dragged him in front of the house to "trick or treat" with them. He may have been the last to receive a bar but he was still given a full sized chocolate bar and complimented on his appearance. He looked at the small, insignificant gift before Horror patted his back and moved out of the way from a brigade of arrows.

The attacks dug into his bones and he screamed in pain and terror as Nightmare and his gang escaped to another universe, wishing him good luck with the Star Sanes who looked less than pleased to have a night of trick or treating completely ruined. Error looked at the dropped chocolate, fully intent on reaching for it and making a run but he was bested by Ink slamming his brush against Error's side. The hit sent him flying into the neighboring wall and with a few more cracked bones as paint and bones were flung at his dying body.

More blood.

More tears.

After the beating that he took and went the stars believed he was genuinely dead— blood covered the floors of Waterfall as his limbs were limp and lifeless. He could barely breathe as an arrow had lodged itself into his soul, seeing itself right through and making a deep hole in his dim heart. He wished he was dead— they left and he did the only reasonable thing a monster in his situation would do.

He pulled himself together.

Got back up on his feet.

And moved on to the next AU.

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