24. Vivisection

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**animal d34th

A small light gray cat wandered into the white void that was home to an individual with a kill count that broke records. The feline had white strips along its back that faded nicely into its overall fur. Wandering with paranoia in its eyes but no hesitation in its steps, it continued towards a dark blue bean bag. Next to the bag was a box of threads and buttons and needles. An organized mess of yarns was hidden under the guise of a cookie box. It would wait to be opened by a hungry soul only for it to be disappointed when instead of cookies they found threads. The pet looked around, sniffing the air for anything that wasn't nothing, it smelled like nothing of worthy note to the cat.

A portal opened that scared the cat to hide in the box with needles and threads, a few sharp ends poking into the cat's skin that had it jumping out of the box and into the open. It took its own comfort and safety very seriously. The sudden intruder took on the appearance of a glitched out skeleton with black bones. Tears of similar blue string fell from his red sockets and his clothes looked ragged and torn. A crooked smile was stuck on his skull with yellow teeth and heavy breaths falling down his shoulders.

His crazed eyes looked at the feline on the ground, who looked right at him, he stopped and looked genuinely surprised.

"weLL hOW dId yOU GeT hErE, LittLe AboMInAtiON?"

Error picked up the small animal, which didn't trigger his fear of contact, and observed it with great interest. Tailoring his head while moving the cat around. The cat didn't seem to mind as it was looked at, being used to being manhandled by its owner. Error moved the cat up and down, upside down and sideways, all ways really. He was curious about this small animal that had found itself in his humble home. He was also curious about a few things he's heard about animals like this; cats they were called.

He dropped the cat on the floor, fully expecting it to catch itself. It did, which made him smile in glee. The myths were true!

He wondered what else was true...

Blood from the feline spilled onto the white desert of the Anti-void. Its own organs peaked from its open body that showed its white ribcage. The small heart was slowly beating, hanging on to its final moments and hoping for someone to help it. The only other person was the same one that put it in this situation. A bone poked through its guts, poking and prodding at its insides. Error looked on with wide eyes as this was a look he was used to, blood splattered everywhere yet no dust. But that was fine, either it was still alive or it simply wasn't a monster.

No matter how hard he looked he could only find the same amount of organs as any average monster or human. Two lungs, one heart. A liver, a spine with ribs attached to it, a stomach and all. There were no extra organs that would support a second life. No doublets or improved defenses. It was just as mortal as any human or monster. It wasn't special. It wasn't alive. Not anymore. It answered his questions but it felt a bit dissatisfying to know that he couldn't have a pet to possibly outlive him. So many humans talk about their cats living beyond their lives yet they both share the same amount of lives.


The cat slowly lost its life, left to die in a white void with a crazed manic. He shouldn't've wandered from his bed. He should've waited. Maybe... if...he did...




**Yeah Error is just the main character
**I've been making him a victim so he gets a break
**Cat. It was Killer's cat.

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