1. Disembowelment

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**The removal of most or all organs

Blood covered the snow as his footprints tracked behind him. The eerie atmosphere only spiked his paranoia as he walked with his strings in hand. The air was cold and he could see his slow breaths forming in the air. He felt his soul drop to his stomach as he stopped. Listening to the crunching footsteps to the side.

He was just on the outskirts of Waterfall, where the player would commonly fight Papyrus equivalents. There was a heavy amount of snow that clouded his already poor vision, he could only rely on the sounds around him and his own experience. From what he could hear, someone was approaching.

Looking to his sides the footsteps suddenly got faster and he was tackled to the ground by a huge figure.

The snow didn't soften the impact, the figure now above him dug its claws into his skin, ripping his back open to reveal an apple red inside. Error's screams ruled across Snowdin, bouncing off the walls of Waterfall, scaring off the remaining monsters but interesting a few.

His stomach was torn open as blood gushed from his open wound, the beast dug into his digestion system, shoving it into its mouth and chewing while inspecting the full course before him AKA Error's writhing corpse.

Next were his lungs that were gasping for air, letting out a painful scream as they were grabbed and ripped out. The veins connecting to Error's blood were stripped and left to spurt out blood as the monster continued to feast on his corpse.

He wasn't dying. He was suffering.

With his stomach and lung gone, he was choking on blood that had come up to his throat. He tried to lift himself away from the monster, getting the snow around him to pile before he was dragged back under the brute and his kidneys were snatched.

More blood

More screams.

More creatures like the beast.

They stalked towards the screams, others more desperate than some. The brute stopped his feast to smell the air and the approaching enemies. Error, too busy bleeding out, had drool moving down his mouth as he tried to catch his breath with the one remaining lung he was able to keep. His chest was open for all to see, the color of roses staining the snow below him as his open stomach rose and fell in a quick manner. He was trying to live. He was trying to pull through.

He needed to live.

He needed to continue destroying.

Damn this AU.

Damn the Multiverse and everything it never gave him!

The hand of the monster was pressed onto his chest, spewing more blood and moving his internal organs to the side. He coughed out blood and deeply inhaled any remaining oxygen in the air. His Magic sparked to life, summoning a handful of bones that penetrated the monster through its chest. A dark thick liquid protruded from the monster's mouth and spilled onto Error's insides. It burned his organs and made his blood boil. Literally.

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