13. Corrosive Acid

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A neon blue liquid dripped from the cave ceilings, into a small pond filled with the same liquid. It looked healthy enough given the air pollution overtaking this universe. Error had his scarf protecting his nose, his eyelights were nonexistent so his magic could not be outwardly tampered with. While it burned his sockets to not have them covered he would have to make due with what he has. His scarf was the best option to prevent any foul air directly to his soul but the breathing through his mouth still stung his throat. He had sent his blasters to destroy what they could, he saw a few monsters escaping into this cave and decided to follow them.

He took a breath through his scarf and looked around with his poor eyesight. He could only see the cave walls that jerked in every which way direction and there were sharp rocks at points in the path that he would encounter and attempt to avoid. A small dripping sounded all over the cave from high peaks and into small ponds that had eroded the ground below. As he ventured deeper in the cave, it got darker and darker to the point he didn't know if he had his sockets opened or closed.

A rumbling took over the cave having Error stumbling around. He accidentally leaned against a spiked rock, impaling his hand which began to profusely bleed out magic and blood. He stole back his hand before the cave ceiling caved in and inflowed a pool of bright blue liquid. It started as an uncontrolled waterfall but the cave was being filled with the invasive liquid by the second. A drop of the neon substance attacked Error's foot which had him reeling back in pain. The acid grew closer and closer to Error, providing light in the darkness but also pointing out that Error was essentially trapped. He had been following a dead lead as any further he would have hit a dead end, the acidic water blocking the way he came aka the entrance.

The waterfall quickly turned into a pouring river as it filled the cave and cornered Error. It caught up to his foot which had his bones turning to mush and the pain being equally worse than Ink's red paint, which was full on acid only x10 worse. Error cried in pain and tried to look for a way out but with the pain in his foot rising to his legs he couldn't hold his own body weight, and fell into the acid surrounding him.

His entire body was submerged, the hot acid making its way into his skull, burning him from the inside out and outside in. His instinct was to scream, scream out of pain, scream for help, scream for anything; but that only did more harm than good. His tongues were burned off and his taste buds were pulverized, being burned off by the acidity of the waters around him. He coughed which only made his melting throat burn all the more, he couldn't feel his hands. His legs had become completely numb, maybe already succumbing to the acid because they were the first to reach it. HIs clothes had long since been burned off, some melded with his bones and only making the experience all the more painful. All this happened while he was strewn around, hitting whatever remained on rocks and spiked columns in the cave.

He was torn apart and burned alive, the only question was if his entire person would dissolve faster than he would drown.

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