16. Amputation

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A battle was brought forth in the universe of Altertale. Error was close to New Home but Ink was joined by Dream and a swapped Papyrus. Error had thought destroying while Ink was celebrating was a grand idea. He didn't. He thought it was a horrible idea but FAt==e had decided that it was a perfect time to lock him out of the Anti-Void. Because no one really liked him, he was attacked and forced to destroy less he have an entire mob after him. Because a mob did decide to follow him he had to be careful as to who he killed. If he killed a multiverse traveler, or stowaway, then he'd have to quickly destroy their home universe so nothing corrupts or destabilizes the multiverse. He was on a time crunch with those universes and it didn't help that he now had three enraged monsters on his back.

The swapped papyrus was more peeved than anyone. Because of his continuous attempts to kidnap his brother, Error's been on his hit list ever since. He went to great measures to make sure he was in great pain.

Error was dodging attacks coming from behind, being completely focused on moving to a different universe and through six more before he began destroying again so as to lose his attackers. A blaster sent him crashing into the throne set in the King's flower room. King Papyrus came into the room due to the commotion, elongated bone attack in hand. Error wasted no time in grabbing his soul with his strings

And the swapped papyrus wasted no time in splitting that arm open.

The king's soul was saved, the arm that originally held him twitched on the floor with Error staring at his decapitated limb. The swapped Papyrus hit Error with more bones that cracked his ribs leaving him impaled and struggling for air. With his single arm he summoned his own blasters which attacked the trio while one went after the King Papyrus.

Error tries to rip the bones out of his chest but he couldn't lift himself high enough to get out. He took steadying breaths but she had other intentions.

Because no one was paying attention, they didn't notice the sudden increase in bones, nor the face of pain on Error's face. Or the fact it looked like he was screaming when there was no noise.

Hand arm laid there, being slowly crushed by an unidentified source. And Error felt every. Crack.

**Ahh phooey

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