Start from the beginning

The class groans, however I smile to myself. I take pride in having my notes complete. I turn to Kim. "My math notebook," I ask.


I arch my eyebrows confused. "What do you mean, 'huh'? I gave it to.... correction, you took it from me last week when you left my house on Saturday. Where. Is. It?" I ask.

"Oh that," he chuckles, nervously. "So I may or may not have accidentallyleftyournoteinthepoolandmisplaceditthere..."

"YOU WHAT?!" I yell

"Mr. Kante, is there a problem?" the teacher asks annoyed, causing me to hush down.

"Relax, buddy," Kim chuckles. "It can't be that bad, I mean you're just gonna flunk one test..."

"Just one test? I am not just failing this assessment, I am losing a whole one hundred marks when I do in fact deserve it!" I whisper-yelled.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing," he jokes but he shuts up, noticing my glare. He then has the nerve to bring out his own note for submission. Not like it was complete anyways; he ended up with a 20%

"Monsieur Kante?" he asks.

I raise my head nervously. "S-Sir...."

"Your note?"

".... I can't find it sir," I respond shamefully. As expected, gasps filled the room. I am not known to misplace my things.

"Wow.... never expected it from you, Max. However, rules are rules. You get a 0," the teacher says coldly.

More gasps filled the air as I hang my head, trying my best not to cry.

After a few minutes, the bell rings and I walk out of the class as soon as I can, Kim running behind me.

"Cool down, bud! A zero is not the end of the world," Kim says carelessly.

"It is for me," I shiver worriedly.

"You remembered to turn in our English project right?"

"Yeah, I did," I sigh.

"Thanks man, you're the best!" he praises, causing me to roll my eyes.

We all walked into English class and I sit down and listen to the lesson of the day: Significance of Words. The lesson ended quite early and it was actually interesting.

"Now to the moment we've all been waiting for... your project results!" Ms. Candice said gleefully. Most of you did well and were able to summarise the pieces given to you. However, the group that impressed me the most was the group of Adrien and Ivan."

Everyone clapped as the two came forward while Ms. Candice continued.

"Your work was based on an African play named the Lion and the Jewel. I love the way you both shed light on the major theme of change, tradition and how the village head got the village belle. You guys did very well, and you earned a 96!"

She then went on to speak on other people's works, pointing out where they had excelled and aspects they should work on. When she finally reaches my project, she hesitates.

"Kim and Max, you were assigned on the Shakespearean play, a Midsummer Night's Dream. You guys did well to expose the themes of love, monarchy of the ancient times as well as deceit. However..... I am far from convinced that this project was done together, but was done as an individual work."

I look surprised and so does Kim. How did she find out?

"Kim Le Chien, I want you to answer this question honestly. Did you partake in this project?"

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