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Hours later from the breaking and entering that the Witch Hunter had orchestrated, finding nothing of note, even after razing the house to the ground, he returns to the Altdorf barracks, meeting with the Garrison Captain.

"Sir Adelgis, I am glad that you could host me at such short notice." He walks into the captain's quarter, helping himself to a seat.

"Ah, good day, mister Krehl. So... What is it that you wanted to see me for?"

Adelgis definitely did not expect a witch hunter to request a meeting with him, but it was a high honour, at the very least. He would be a fool not to entertain such a guest.

"Well, there is an outlaw on the loose. He could be anywhere in the Empire, and we must find him before he can do any damage to our nation!"

"Right, right. I see... So uh, what exactly has he done to be marked as dangerous?"

Krehl stops. He had no evidence, nothing incriminating. Nothing to pin on Felix... Although...

"Well, let's just say that a rather sizeable bag of gold crowns would serve as evidence enough." Krehl pulls out the aforementioned sack of crowns and tosses it to the Captain, who catches it, and ensures that it's actually filled with currency.

"Right then. Who are we searching for?"

Krehl smiles.

"His name is Felix Lambden. He had dark short cropped hair, scraggly and unkempt, and it looked as though he'd not shaved in months. His skin was around my colour, perhaps a shade more tan, and when he spoke, he did so in an outrageous accent. I couldn't place it exactly, but I imagine it's much further south than Bretonia. Estalia, perhaps? Oh, yes, and he was dressed not too dissimilarly to myself, all leathers and concealed weapons."

"...Without the hat, of course."

Krehl stands back up.

"I trust that you will do whatever is necessary. Capture him, kill him, it does not matter. So long as he is no longer a threat, hm?"

"You have my word, we'll find him." Adelgis gives a sly smile. "Whatever the cost may be."

"Good. I expect to see results from you, good day."


"Careful now, there's a lot of people around here..."

The streets of Marienburg, open spaces flooded with people of all kinds, trying to take advantage of the luxurious trading here. It was a perfect crowd to blend in to. So long as they looked the part.

Zol had to wear a lot of concealing clothing. He could cover his features well enough that he could pass as a halfling so long as nobody gave him a second glance, and in this crowd, nobody would be able to.

The goal? Find a ship to sneak onto and sail right out of the Empire. Didn't matter where it would go, Felix would figure it out as they went if he has to.

Felix makes sure to hold onto Zol's hand tightly, to ensure they don't get separated. They come to one of the port areas of Marienburg, where many ships and boats are docked and being loaded. But there was one small issue.

"Shit... That's a lot of guards, something isn't right."

The Marienburg guards have never been this active and alert before. A simple bribe may not work this time, they'd have to get onto a ship without being caught.

Using the crowd as cover, and moving slowly, Felix would move towards a ship that seemed to almost have all of its cargo loaded on. Surely it would be the next ship to leave. The guards being lined up and blocking off the actual way on would make it challenging to get on at the very least.

The ship's gangplank is removed, they were going to set off soon... Felix would have to think of something before it is too late. Perhaps it is time for some... Rather bold action.

"Out of my fucking way!"

Felix charges forth, shoulder tackling a guard to get through. The surprise and confusion allowed him and Zol to get some good distance before the guards gave chase. They just have to reach the boat...

They run all the way down the dockside, getting well enough beside the departing ship, before jumping...

At least, Felix jumped.

Slamming into the side of the ship and latching onto one of the gun ports. He looks back to see Zol, standing at the edge...

"Come on! Quickly!" He reaches a hand out, as far as he can. "I'll catch you!"

Zol looks back at the guards running at him, and back to Felix... He takes a few steps back... Before attempting the jump...

...And just barely making it.

Felix manages to grab Zol's hand, just barely clasping it and pulling him up, ushering him into the open porthole and following quickly afterward, into one of the ship's storage holds.

"Sigmar preserve us... We actually made it... We... We did it..." Felix sits down on the wooden floor. "We're going to be okay..."

Yet the danger is far from over. They may have escaped from the Empire, but now they must prepare to survive wherever the ship takes them...

Hours pass, slowly. Becoming days. Becoming weeks. When you don't know where the ship is going, you can't say for sure how long you'll be at sea.

The two had been keeping themselves hidden quite well in the hold. The crew rarely came down here, and they could easily pilfer preserved food from the barrels and crates.

The dusk of the thirty-seventh or so day. They are beginning to become restless. The lack of things to do is starting to get to them. More so, getting to Zol.

Zol had been sleeping a lot more while on the ship than usual. He would have an occasional nightmare every now and again, wether they're normal nightmares... Felix had doubts.

Nevertheless, he would stay with Zol the whole time, holding him close to provide physical comfort and warmth. It's usually enough to calm him down...

This night, the waves were getting particularly rough, rocking the ship about. This was definitely no help to settle Zol, with one of his nightmares in full swing.

Felix resorted to dragging himself and Zol into a corner, nestled between the wall and some of the fastened cargo in order to prevent them from slipping about the hold.

The waves only picked up more, gradually swelling into a violent storm. Thunder could be heard crackling outside as the bright flashes of lightning pelted the sky. The sky outside began to turn a shade of sickly green. The sound of something... Big... Approaching...

Something big, something horrible, something that Felix could not possibly see from his position, it began to rise out of the water, rising much higher than the ship's peak height, before descending, right on top, breaking the entire ship in half.

Felix tries to grab onto something, but to no avail. Even the tightly secured cargo is slipping, falling into the depths of the ocean. Felix cannot keep his grip on flat wood forever. He descends, heading right towards the water, but he manages to grab onto something.

One of the lanterns, it still held strong, even in this catastrophe. Felix kept a grip on the lantern, holding Zol with his other arm. From here he would attempt to climb, to get further up and away from the water.

But as the cargo falls, so does his chances. A large sack of cargo barreling through hit Felix on the way down.

As the freezing water envelops him, the darkness setting in...

He has truly lost all hope.

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