Sanctuary Lost

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"I've told you too many times, you're not permitted in here. Now GET OUT!"

Another common occurrence, at least for Felix Lambden. This would mark the third time this month he's caught a Witch Hunter attempting to sneak into his house.

The Witch Hunter, forcibly pushed out, fell to the ground with a heavy thud. He stands up and dusts himself off.

"I will have you know that I am CERTAIN you are hiding something. And I will stop at nothing to-"

"Yeah, no. Don't want to hear it." Felix holds out a hand to motion for him to stop talking. "Just go back to wherever you're stationed, and if I catch you here again, I won't be so courteous, do you understand?"

The Witch Hunter scoffs and turns away to leave. "Fine..."

Felix waits for the Witch Hunter to be out of sight, before closing the front door and sitting against it, putting his head in his hands.


He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to get rid of the headache caused by the absolute audacity of that Hunter...

"Zol! You can come out now. It's safe..."

Sounds of objects moving could be heard throughout the house, something scraping against the floor, then ultimately falling over, followed by a loud squeak.

Fast footsteps patter ever closer, and the head of a considerably larger than normal white-furred rat peeks out from around the corner.

"Are they gone?"

"He's gone, Zol. Hopefully he stays away this time." Felix stands back up, straightening his back. "he's gotten even more persistent recently... I'm worried that it might be getting more dangerous to stay here."

Zol looks down at the floor. He really doesn't want to have to leave home...

"Isn't there something that can be done?" He moves up to Felix. "Maybe you could explain to him that-"

"No, Zol. He wouldn't understand." Felix kneels down and rubs Zol's head. "If he finds out about you... Well... I wouldn't want to think about that."

"But I don't want to leave..."

"I know buddy, I know." Felix wraps his arms around Zol's body, pulling him into a hug. "We can't always control how things go. If we truly end up in danger, I don't think we have a choice."

Zol sighs lowly, returning the hug. "Okay... As long as you don't leave me..."

"Oh Zol you know I'd never leave you... I just couldn't possibly do that... Now, how about we just enjoy the day? There's still some hours of daylight left, and I think a walk outside would do us both some good."

Zol simply nods quietly, still concerned about the possibility of losing their home.

"Come on buddy, let's go." Felix stands back on his feet, gently grabbing Zol's hand to provide a bit of comfort.

"No matter what happens, at least we'll have eachother, okay?"

...The reassurance was undoubtedly needed, as things were going to take a very drastic turn...

It had been a few days, and that Witch Hunter hadn't returned. Which instead of being relieving... It was concerning.

It was a rainy early morning, the outside shaded a colour of blue as the torrential rain battered the roof, which would normally be calming, but Felix was on his guard, staring out the window, observing the surrounding woodland...

It wasn't long before his suspicion proved to be within reason, as the Witch Hunter has returned... Tailed by a regiment of Empire soldiers.

This is exactly what Felix had been dreading... He quickly drew the curtain closed, and ran to Zol's room, making sure to knock even though he'd enter immediately anyway...

"Zol- Wake up-" He gently shakes the Skaven, who was still asleep. "come on bud- Wake up-"

Zol would stir awake, grumpy, of course, having been woken so early.

"Nooooo... Let me sleeeep..." He tries to turn away and cover his face and ears with his pillow. "Too early..."

"Zol- Listen to me, we're in danger. I need you to get up." He shook Zol more, trying to break him out of his tired stupor.

"Come on- Get dressed and meet me in the cellar... We have to go... Now." Zol slowly sat up, nodding sadly.


A loud bang at the front door was heard.

"By order of the Empire! Open this door immediately!"

The banging got louder and more insistent, as Felix made his way downstairs, opening up the cellar in the kitchen. Once Zol entered the cellar as well, he closed it up, locking it from the inside.

"Okay... Okay we don't have much time- We'll have to use the tunnel exit and make as much distance as we can-"

The sound of the front door being broken down rings out through the building.

"Search everywhere! Burn it all down if you have to! He's hiding something here!"

Wasting no more time, Felix pushes a large wine cabinet to reveal a hidden passage.

"Quickly now."

Zol hurries through the passageway, Felix following behind and setting the Cabinet back to cover the entrance. Now they were officially on the run, with no home to return to. Not anymore.

The tunnels were built in such a way to be a maze, twisting and turning every which way, multitudes of dead ends and loops to get lost in. But watching for the vague signs would show the way... small indents and markings, those of which you may not see if you're not looking for them.

Even so, travelling to the exit took an entire hour. Emerging from the underground, the sun was blinding, but as the light dissipates, the landscape reveals itself. The Wasteland.

Outside of The Empire's control, Marienburg would be the best chance of escape, but it was still a far journey. The nearest town of Gorssel would be a good place to stop and gather supplies for the road, but they would have to keep moving, as the Empire would surely be looking for them.

With no home to return to, and no refuge to be found, there was nowhere they could go but forward.

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