Chapter 1

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There was a man,  an unhealthy man.

He was inside of a room sitting in a chair with a computer right in front of his face.

Tons of junk food can be seen everywhere,  scattered around his small room with lights turned off.

He uses his finger and clicks the mouse while tapping the keys on the keyboard.

He groans in annoyance and slams lightly the table.

He put his hands at the back of his head and stared at the ceiling.

Seconds,  minutes, and hours passed he did not make a move.

I saw he sighted.

Murmuring something but I hear it.

I hear the cry of hopelessness.


And a question...

"How did I become like this... "

A question that neither I nor I could answer.

No,  we can't answer despite knowing the reasons...

Giving up on stepping forward in the real world.

Completely delusional about fantasy stories and games.

Not coming outside of the society.

... And completely succumbing into despair because of fear of taking a step.

I stared at the man.

And he is staring at the ceiling.

No one made a move,  I watch him as he stares emptily at the ceiling.

The room is not large and can only fit one person.

His body is so thin,  pale, and frail to the point where he is nothing but bones with skin.

He stood up and looked down.

He covered his face.

And started to cry out of nowhere.

"Ugh... This is sucks... "

Does a sentence of a stranger can be relatable to this man's life?

Sounds confusing...

I look at him as he passes by on my side completely ignoring me.

Well,  he can't see me anyway.

I followed him and saw the disturbing appearance of this authentic house that could become a reference for him.

Just like how he was,  the same goes for a place where he is staying.

He went to the kitchen and took a half litter of water in a fridge.

Then afterward,  he suited himself and took a step forward.

On the door that will welcome him in the light.

For the first time again in many years.

He is willing to take a move.

Stepping forward,  he gains the courage to get out of the box without anyone's help.

But as if fate gave him a cruel joke.

He died due to trying to save a little girl from getting kidnapped.

.... And that's how his life ended...

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