chapter 4: the fall......and........revelation

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The fall of beacon has begun everything is on fire Grimm everywhere, the white fang attacking human atles soldiers attacking Sevilleans it was chaos at the top of beacon tower the 'misteralchampion' pyrrha Nikos is on the ropes against the one that plan this cinder fall

Cinder: any last words misteral champion?

Pyrrha: do you believe in destiny?

Cinder: yes I do..

Before cinder can deliver the killing blow to pyrrha golden portals opened up and shout-out weapon's to cinder which she barely dough and they hear a voice

?????: if destiny is real then why did human's and faunus have free will then if everything is set in stone?

The two turn there attension to the voice and there they see jaune/Gilgamesh with his arms cross on his chest

Gilgamesh: it's because destiny are only what we make it to be it shows how little minded you people that here a stupid religion heard it

As he keeps on talking he keeps able to doughe and counter attacking cinder who is on the back burner right now as for Ruby/enkidu she is courantely killing Grimm atles solders and white fang members with her chains stabbing them like butter killing them left right and santer as did she come across blake and a wounded yang fighting against Adam

Adam: give it up Blake you're tired weak and alone so give up

Blake: never!?

Adam: then so bei------

Before he can finish he was stabbed right true the chest with the chains killing him insteadly Blake watch in horror as she see the chain's wrapped around him and crushed his body like a bug


Blake look were the chain's come from and she sees something horrible she sees her former leader Ruby/enkidu killing white fang members with chain's that Sims like it coming out of her body

Blake: Ruby!? What are you doing!?

Enkidu: oh nothing just cleaning the mess you all made

Blake: but why kill the white fang!? There misguided and where are you going?!

Enkidu: because there violent they kill innocent people and burned down village's they need to be clean up also I'm meeting up with some one at the top of beacon tower

As she said that she goes of to beacon tower to meet up with jaune/Gilgamesh as for him he is currently kurbstomping cindr he has defeated her and has his gates of babalon aimed at her as den everyone should up

Ozpin: it's good to see you jaune

Gilgamesh: it's good to see you too ozma..

Ozpin eyes want wide open apon someone else knowing who he is

Ozpin: how did you know about that ?

Gilgamesh: let's just say a little birdie told me about you're real self

Cinder was laughing like a maniac which kache everyone attention

Gilgamesh: what so funny monger

Cinder: you have no idea what coming here don't you?

She thought she has won but in truth she was the loser in this as Ruby/enkidu immediately know what is coming

Enkidu: it's a Grimm dragon isn't it?

Cinder: h-how did you know!?

Enkidu: because I sensed it will getting here.

Gilgamesh: so where is it heading here from?

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