Chapter 16

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I've been counting down the minutes till five ever since I fired a bunch of losers and promoted my girl. And like the hard worker she is, she's taken her new responsibility seriously. She's been tapping away at her computer for hours now. I've been trying to focus on work-related shit, but my mind keeps drifting back to lunch.

It had been perfect. I got to taste her—willingly on her part—before lunch and then had my finger back inside her before lunch was even over. I'd been looking forward to the moment I'd have her alone until she broke apart on the street.

That motherfucker prostituted her out.

I will put my crosshairs on his goddamned forehead and blow his head off.

"Is murder on the agenda today?" Rae questions in a teasing manner from my doorway.

I shrug. "Maybe."

His eyes widen and he closes the door behind him. "I was kidding, but apparently you're not. Who are we killing?"

I can't help but grin at my best friend. Always willing to go into battle with me no matter what. "Yuta."

He stiffens and gives me a clipped nod. "Thought so." He drops a file down on my desk. Dusty's familiar handwriting is scrawled on the outside. Three possible addresses. I flip open the file and stare at the pictures inside.

"He took these photos?" I demand, a menacing growl in my throat.

He shakes his head. "No, but he's doing more digging. The first address is the one he thinks he's at. A guy fitting his description comes and goes from there."

"Anything else?"

"Not as far as that fucker is concerned. Mostly, I wanted to check to see how you were doing. In that meeting," he says thoughtfully as he scrubs his cheek with his palm, "you weren't yourself."

I frown and cross my arms over my chest. "How so?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. You were focused. Not just on her but everything around you."

Ever since Hanni caught my attention, I seem to notice a lot of things. Mostly the things that directly affect her but she seems to touch everything around her, which means I notice those things as well.

"Hanni makes me better," I tell him, confidence in my tone.

He smirks. "I can see that. I can see she's warmed up to you."

"She's mine," I tell him absently as if that is the reason why she is no longer frigid around me.

"Does she know that?" he probes, amusement in his voice.

"I told her a time or two."

He snorts and rubs at the back of his neck. "Of course you did. Does she know you're a fucking stalker?"

I flip him off and he laughs.

"Seriously. Does she know the depths of your obsession?"

"I told her I'd do anything for her," I grunt out. "Even kill that fuckface Yuta."

His eyes widen in surprise. "And she didn't run for the hills?"


"Well, Jesus Christ, man, I think you found yourself the perfect woman," he jokes.

"Goddamn right I did."

"Good for you," he says with a chuckle. "Don't fuck it up. Maybe lay off the stalker shit now that she's into you."

But there's so much more to learn about her…


He snorts again. "Don't get arrested, psycho."

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