Chapter 1

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Hanni's Pov

Present Day

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

"You look busy, Caty," Mr. Yang interrupts in a gruff tone. "I'll just pop in and see if Minji wants to grab lunch."


My perfectly manicured fingers, which were typing away on the keyboard, pause as I lift my gaze to the old man. His beady eyes flit over my silky white blouse to where my full breasts are barely encased in the buttoned-up shirt, slightly jiggling with movement. I purposefully still my body and bring my fingertips to my slender neck to touch the string of pearls my mother gave me long ago to distract him. The action hides my breasts from the leering old man, and he drags his gaze back to my face.

I stiffen but force a polite smile to my lips. "Actually, she's in a very important meeting," I lie to him as I stand. "I'll have her get back to you later, sir."

He seems mildly irritated, but I flash him a winning smile that's more convincing than the first one. "You're her favorite client, you know," I tell him in a conspiratorial whisper. "I know she'd much rather be downing sushi and sake with you than having to hash out the purchase of that Japanese hotel from Mr. Adachi. Those two have spent so much time discussing it. I'll be glad when they decide on a price, so that Ms. Kim can handle her less complicated business." I make a simple motion of my hand to gesture at him.

His white brows furrow together and he rounds his shoulders, as if the motions will make him taller. More formidable. Powerful. With a huff, he shoots an unnerved glare at Kim Minji's door. "Tell her we can go out for celebratory drinks later in the week. I'll accept her offer on my resort. Make sure she gets the message right away."

He storms off, and my false smile morphs into a genuine and triumphant one. With my chin lifted in the air, I strut over to the coffee machine in the kitchen. Ms. Kim likes her coffee a certain way. Two spoonsful of sugar and one scoop of creamer. And I don't forget the sprinkle of cinnamon. I even squat slightly so I can eyeball how much sugar is rounded on the spoon before dumping it into the steaming liquid and then stirring.

The run-in with Mr. Yang only solidifies what I already know. I'm damn good at my job. After six years, I'm the best employee Kim Subsidiaries has. Not long ago I was just a fraction of my current self. A sliver of what could be. Back when Yuta pulled my strings. Long before I cut loose from him and danced in my own show called life.

The earlier smile fades at the thought of my ex-boyfriend, Yuta. A dangerous man. Toxic and vile. I'd fallen hard for a man who tainted me in every way possible. It takes hindsight to realize how deep in his dirty world I'd sunk.

I'm jolted from terrorizing memories of Yuta when I hear male voices behind me.

"This is the break room," Chanwoo from HR says. "We hardly ever come in here. Our assistants make our coffee. You'll be assigned an assistant as well."

I jerk my head to see the new associate, a handsome male, taking in my appearance with a slight hunger in his eyes.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Koo," Chanwoo tells him with a chuckle. "This is the owner's assistant, Caty."


"Will she be my assistant as well?" Mr. Koo questions, hope flickering in his eyes.

I suppress a shudder and force a smile as I clutch the steaming mug of coffee. If he keeps staring at me like he's undressing me with his eyes, I might have to accidentally dump this hot cup down the front of his slacks.

"No, she belongs to Ms. Kim."

My heart ceases to beat at Chanwoo's choice of words. You belong to me. Yuta's favorite saying still haunts me seven years later. This time, the shudder ripples down my spine and the coffee sloshes in the mug, stinging my hand when it splashes over.

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