Chapter 15

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I'm flustered and hot and turned on. I can barely focus on the file in front of me as Minji happily rambles on about land values. Two hours ago, she went down on me. In her office. At work. And I let her.

I'm mortified but mostly I can't stop replaying it in my head.

She was so good at it. Her tongue and-my God those teeth-knew exactly what they were doing. I remember enjoying oral sex with Yuta but I'd been half fucked up out of my skull whenever he'd do it.

This was different.

This was real.

I enjoyed every second of it no matter how wrong the location was.

"I can see someone's a little distracted," she says with a smirk from across her desk.

At having been caught, I feel my cheeks heat. "Sorry. I was just thinking about lunch."

She gives me a knowing wink before leaning forward. "I could eat again."

"Honestly, Minji," I huff but I can't keep the smile off my face. "You're so crude!"

Her chuckle is warm and reverberates its way to my core. "I've been called worse. Seriously, though, what's wrong?"

I miss the way your lips kissed mine. I was thinking of how the inside of my thighs are raw from where your cheek scratched me. My pussy has been throbbing ever since you gave me that orgasm.


She reaches across the desk and takes my hand. "I want to do that again soon. Your taste is addictive, little quitter."

A couple of days ago, I bristled at the pet name but it's starting to grow on me. Especially coupled with the words before it. "I think I want that too." My eyes drop to our hands that are now threaded together.

"I want so much more than that too, though," she tells me, her voice deep with insinuation.

I chance a glance at her. Her eyes are sharp and focused on me. I love the way she seems to zero in on me. It's as though I'm her primary focus. After everything that went on with Yuta, you'd think I would be opposed to that kind of attention. But...apparently I have issues because I like it.

"How much more," I breathe, unable to refrain from baiting her into more naughty words.

Her eyes drop to my lips. "For starters, I can't wait to feel those pouty lips around my dick. I'm not sure your little mouth can even take my cock." She flashes me a smug grin that has my thighs clenching. "And I can't wait to strip you bare so I can taste every inch of your flesh. I want to run my tongue along every dip and curve you own. I want it in every single hole."

My eyes widen. I'd done anal plenty of times with Yuta, but I never had his tongue in my ass. The thought both disgusts and delights me.

"I also can't wait to spread your sexy thighs apart so I can look at your needy cunt. I bet it'll always drip for me," she muses and scratches her jaw with her free fingers. "I know you'll want me to wear a condom, because you don't know me, but I'm fantasizing right now about how you'd feel bare. I bet my cock would slide right into your tight pussy and you'd come just from the way I stretch you out to capacity. I can almost see your juices running down my shaft and-"

"S-Stop," I breathe and squirm in my chair. "I can't think about that right now."

"My dick inside you?"

I let out a sharp breath. "Yes. Oh my God. Stop talking about it." My voice sounds whiny but really it's because I'm needy for all those things too. "Please."

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