Her eyes darken with lust, but she nods. "We'll pick this conversation up later tonight."

The promise of pleasure sends excitement coursing through me. "Later," I agree with a smile. "Now let's talk numbers."

After four hours of me showing Minji my many ideas on how to improve not only the way she does things, but the company overall, she announces she's taking me to lunch. She stands and then offers her hand to help me out of the chair once she's rounded her desk. I take it but immediately hate how affected I am by her touch. All thoughts dissipate as she becomes my only thought. My mind reels with all of the things she said earlier-all the things she wants to do to me. God, how I want them too.

She guides me over to the door, and when I attempt to pull my hand from her, she turns to frown at me. "What's wrong?"

"We can't leave this office holding hands," I tell her, my voice shaky.

She scowls. "And why not?"

"Because you're my boss!"

I'm pulled against her, and she attacks my lips with her. Within moments, I'm lost in her deep kiss. She eventually pulls away and regards me with a dark expression that sends a chill skittering down my spine. "Fuck all of them. You're mine." Her lips are back on mine. Owning me. The possessiveness rippling from her should scare me. I should be running for the hills. How is it that I find myself attracted to these severely intense people?

She's not like Yuta.

At least I hope not.

"Listen to me," she murmurs against my lips as she strokes my hair in such a reverent way I think I might melt. "I'm going to take care of you now. Just let me in, baby."

God, how inviting that sounds.

"This is all too much," I whisper.

She drowns out my words with a kiss that has me dizzy and weak. Once I'm putty in her hands again, she nuzzles her nose against mine. "You deserve everything. It'll never be enough."

Years and years of loneliness threaten to tear my heart wide open. For the first time since I ran from Yuta, I feel the desire to be with someone else. I don't have to be so hard and guarded around Minji. Around her, I feel relaxed. Safe even. And considering Yuta could be stalking me at this very moment, I am glad to have Minji's presence cloaking me.

"I'm scared," I admit with a frown. "And Yuta could be-"

A growl silences me. "He is not a threat to you. Not while I have a say in it. You have to trust I'll take care of you."

I stare up at her serious eyes. Her jaw clenches as if she truly believes she has the power to protect me from my psycho ex. I almost laugh because Yuta will stop at nothing. I hope to God it was an intruder from my crummy building who broke into my apartment, and not him. If it truly was my ex, I'm more than screwed. Even big, powerful Minji wouldn't be able to save me.

"How about we start with you buying me lunch first?" I tease in an attempt to lighten the mood. Intense is good in the bedroom. But sometimes intense is too much for everyday life. I worry Minji has those same tendencies as Yuta. The obsessive ones. However, Minji doesn't share the empty, soulless gaze Yuta always had. Minji's eyes dance with secrets and curiosity about me and desire. I feel like those are normal for a budding relationship between two people. And they probably mirror my own.

"Lunch first," she agrees with a bright grin that has my thighs clenching. "But I'm holding your fucking hand."

I'm still laughing at her fierceness as she drags me out the office door. She's on a mission, but my eyes lock onto Junhoe, who happens to be standing near my desk. His eyes narrow and he shakes his head in disgust.

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