My cock is hard in my pants, but I ignore it as I settle for digging more into her life. I snag her phone from the charger and take it with me into the kitchen. In the dark, I rummage around until I find a bowl of fruit on the counter. I settle at a bar stool and begin peeling the orange as I flip through her phone. She has no pictures saved, which I find strange. But when I hunt through the deleted folder, I find a few selfies she took. So beautiful when she smiles. I also find some screenshots of the ocean. There's even a screenshot of a woman's Facebook page and I connect this woman as her mother. From her phone, I sent all of the pictures to my phone. Of course my phone doesn't buzz from my pocket because I turned it off before my little recon mission. I delete the trace of my sending them to me from her phone.

Once I finish peeling my orange, I eat the wedges unrushed as I snoop through her phone.

Her texts are basic. I'm in her contacts along with my office number. She also has that fucker Jay Jongsung on there. I'm not sure where all of her friends are but they're not here on her phone. Popping up her messages with Jay, I read through everything they've chatted about. Apparently he's very apologetic about last night. The motherfucker should be. He took advantage of her. She eventually responded back to him in a very polite manner, saying she'd talk to him later. He'd responded back with some other flirty bullshit. And my girl never replied. I smile and it doesn't feel as foreign as usual.

From her phone, I decide to take matters into my own hands and pretend to be her.

Hanni: What you did was sleazy.

It satisfies me knowing he'll read that and shit his panties. It's late but apparently, the fuck is awake because he replies.

Jay: Are you drunk again?

His tone boils my blood. It's as if he assumes she gets wasted all the time. I don't know Hanni well but I am perceptive enough to realize she doesn't do this often. Her life is too orderly to get out of control on a frequent basis.

Hanni: I'm clear headed. How do I know that when working for you, this kind of thing won't be a regular occurrence? I was blacked out, and had that nice person not saved me, you'd have probably fucked me in that cab.

His response is immediate.

Jay: Whoa. Calm down, Cat. We both got a little wasted but the last thing I would ever want is for you to think I would take advantage of you. I'm not like those guys at Kim. You know this.

I stiffen and glare at the glowing screen as I shove the last orange wedge in my mouth.

Hanni: What do you mean?

While he types, I scoop up all of the orange peelings and hide them at the bottom of the garbage can.

Jay: You mentioned last night how they touch you against your wishes. I may have drunk a lot but I didn't forget what you said. And last night, you wanted me to touch you. It was extremely unprofessional and I'm sorry. I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot.

My blood boils and I nearly crack the screen in my brutal death grip. Who the fuck has been touching her against her wishes at Kim's? I'm raging with fury but I attempt to quell it. I'll get to the bottom of this on Monday. Whoever thinks they can fuck with my girl is going to pay.

Hanni: Please keep things professional from here on out.

Jay: Of course. I'm sorry.

Once I'm certain he isn't going to respond anymore, I delete all of tonight's correspondence before pocketing her phone. I give my hands a quick rinse in the sink and then I'm back to check on her. She's still sleeping soundly, but this time naked like she belongs. My cock aches for her. In the moonlight, her perfect round tits are on display. I want to mark her up and stain her with all that is me. Those sorts of thoughts don't help my dick.

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