Jay smirks and waves over a waitress. Once she takes his order, he directs his eyes back over to mine. "You're just a number over there, Hanni. At Jongsung, you're a person. Everyone at my company is recognized for their hard work. I know you'll fit right in."

A smile tugs at my lips. "Thank you for taking a chance on me. I know I'm not the most experienced person but I'm a quick learner."

He gives me a wink. "You'll do fine. And if you ever have any trouble, you come see me. We'll sort it out."

When he starts talking about a row of Brownstones he's working on a loan for, something catches my gaze in the window. A shadowed figure leans against a wall between two buildings. It appears to be a masculine figure. He's tall and broad-shouldered. The man simply stares straight at us. Sometimes my imagination plays tricks on me. Yuta is in my nightmares so it's only fitting he's in my reality too.

But I know he doesn't know where I am.

I've been careful.

Besides, if it were Yuta, he wouldn't simply sit outside and watch me have a beer with another man. He'd come in here with guns literally blazing and accost me right in front of everyone.

A shudder ripples through me. When I glance back outside, the figure is gone. Another figment. Always a figment.

"Hey," Jay says with a husky laugh, his knee brushing against mine under the table. "I think I lost you there."

I snap my attention to him. His eyebrows are pinched together as if he's trying to figure me out. He'll never figure out my messy head.

"I'm sorry," I tell him with a forced chuckle. My hand pats his on the table. "It was a long, stressful day."

Mischief dances in his eyes. "How about we resolve to have no more of those types of days? I have just the thing to get you on the right foot."

Just the thing turns out to be shots of tequila. And while I was hesitant at first to drink with my new boss, I immediately gave in when he gave me exaggerated puppy dog eyes. Jay is friendly and funny. I've been strutting along for so long with a stick up my ass that it's nice to relax for once. By the third shot, I'm warm and giggly.

Jay disappears to go to the restroom, and I check my phone. I'm not sure why but I'd hoped for some kind of "please don't quit" message from the sexy Kim Minji. Despite her apparent shock and annoyance of my resignation, she sure as hell hasn't tried to get me to stay.

"Miss me?" Jay questions with a chuckle when he comes sauntering back with more shots in his hands. He sidles into the booth beside me and pushes two shots toward me. "To new beginnings." His grin is wide and flirty. "To new valuable employees."

I swat at him. "Now you're just being ridiculous." But I'm smiling. Truth is, it's nice that he sees such potential in me.

His arm stretches out behind me across the back of the booth, and he leans in. "I'm not. I knew it the moment I read your résumé. Now drink or I'll consider it insubordination."

Laughing, I grab my shot and drain it down.

"Good girl," he teases and runs his fingers along the outside of my arm.

I shiver and pick up the second shot. Once I drain that one, I look at him with a lifted brow. "Who says I'm good?"

It's been ages since I've been out with friends and done something as simple as joke around. Jay's gaze darkens and he doesn't respond. He sucks down both of his shots before slamming them back down on the table. "You're trouble," he says, his voice hoarse.

Warmth surges through me. I'm happy. I am finally leaving a dead end job and running toward a future. After a lifetime of mistakes, I'm going to start making something of myself.

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