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In the depths of Hell, Satan found himself utterly exhausted. Tired of the ceaseless torment and endless paperwork, he came to a startling realization - Hell desperately needed a change of scenery. And what better place to transfer his kingdom than the fiery, blazing depths of the Sun itself?

Satan, being the true entrepreneur of evil, thought it would be a splendid idea to relocate Hell to the Sun. It had an ever-burning fire, a never-ending supply of heat, and let's not forget the countless scorching sunburns people would endure for all eternity. It was a diabolical plan, and he couldn't wait to see the hilarious things that would unfold.

With a swipe of his gnarled fingers, Satan summoned his demon minions. They dropped in like a troupe of mischievous bats, ready to carry out their master's commands. Satan rolled out the blueprint for his Sunhell, complete with lava-filled swimming pools and sauna-like punishment chambers. He even designed special sunscreen lotion that would ignite the moment it touched human flesh.

While the construction of their sizzling new abode was underway, Satan decided to pay a visit to the Sun himself. Dressed in a snazzy red and black spacesuit, he embarked on the journey to his fiery future home. As he stepped foot on the Sun's surface, his shoes melted instantly, sending him stumbling hilariously into a volcano-shaped pit.

To his delight, Satan discovered that Hell-born souls were practically impervious to the Sun's heat. They frolicked and roasted marshmallows, often turning the fiery pits into grilling ovens for late-night barbecues. The demons found themselves constantly switching between devilishly carrying out punishments and joining in the comically bizarre summer activities. There were daily sack races on the lava flats, dive-bombing into the lava lakes, and even a synchronized swimming competition - complete with matching sunglasses.

The fiery relocation also brought a host of unique challenges. For instance, the damned souls who had successfully avoided sunburns on Earth were now relying on sunscreen so volatile that the mere act of squeezing the tube would lead to spontaneous combustion. Every time a hapless soul attempted to squeeze a dollop, their hand burst into flames, prompting a chorus of raucous laughter from the devilish spectators.

As time passed, the news of Sunhell spread throughout the universe. Curious extraterrestrial beings flocked to witness the antics and absurdities. They marveled at the sight of demons using lava waves as surfboards while serenading the condemned souls with electric guitars.

But perhaps the most hilarious part was witnessing Satan himself. Dressed in a singed, frayed spacesuit, he became the ultimate prankster. He would creep up behind unsuspecting souls and tickle them mercilessly until they howled with laughter, turning their punishment into a delightful game. Even the great and mighty Satan couldn't resist indulging in some silly shenanigans.

In the depths of Sunhell, the laughter roared like never before. Satan's ingenious decision to transfer his kingdom onto the Sun turned out to be a stroke of comedic brilliance. Who could have guessed that the hottest place in the universe would become the source of eternal laughter?

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