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          Adri, now feeling a little rested, compared to before stood up and stretched. The room was pretty nice, with twin beds separated by a dresser. There was a night lamp on it, along with two water bottles, glasses and a telephone to call room service.

          She looked at the clock mounted on the wall. It read 12:30. Adri groaned. She's have to get ready for lunch. She decided she's wash up and probably take a shower, so she located the bathroom. Just as she was about to knock on the door, it swung inside, revealing a shirt-less Nico, towel around his neck.

          Their eyes met and they held contact for about three seconds before Nico slammed the door shut. "I didn't know you were awake!!" Nico screeched. Adri could dimly hear his heavy breaths. "I was about to knock!!" "Alright, give me a minute. I'll put a shirt on." he grumbled behind the door. As he was doing that, our dear Adrienne rubbed her palms on her cheeks, trying to tame their flame.

          Like he said, Nico opened the door in a minute and came out. Wearing a shirt, thanks for asking. Quietly, Adri made her way inside and shut the door. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her oversized black t-shirt was peppered with small holes and was also sliced in some places. Her hair was in a ponytail that was slightly messed up since she just woke up. Her face was red along with the tips of her ears and her neck. She grumbled something and hopped into the shower.

          She came out in 30 minutes after rubbing all the grime off of her. She stepped out of the bathroom, steam raising from her skin. "Have you been boiling yourself in there??" Nico asked, taking in her arms that were red. "No.. Well, kinda, yes." she said, pulling at the hem of her Queen t-shirt.

          "Well, if you're done, we need to keep going. The others called about 5 minutes ago. We're having lunch and then leaving for the garden." Adri nodded. "Also, have you seen my shoes?? I remember sleeping in them." Adri said. "Huh? Oh yeah! I removed them. I felt bad for the staff after taking a look at your shoes. They're in that corner." Nico replied, pointing towards said corner.

          Adri, once again, nodded and grabbed her shoes. She carelessly put her hair in a bun and followed Nico out. "Magnus and Alex are waiting in the cafeteria." Nico said. "Uh huh!!" They walked in awkward silence for a few seconds before Adri decided to interrupt it. 

          "I had a dream." "Oh dear!!" She recounted her dream and waited for Nico to say something. "Well, I don't know what to say to that, it's just personal advice. But, it's absolutely cruel to have the message delivered that way." Nico commented, referring to the skeletal-mom bit.

          "I know!! It must be another one of the gods cruel humour things!!" Adri moaned, clicking the button on the panel of the lift. Easy listening music flowed out of the speakers as the elevator descended. Once again, the pair were plunged into awkward silence, saved from speaking by the mouth-watering aroma of food wafting through the opening doors.

          The pair stepped into the slightly large cafeteria and looked around. They found Alex and Magnus sitting at a four-seater table in a secluded corner. Nico tugged at Adri's hand and pointed to them. "Hey guys!! Why does Adri look like a lobster??" Alex asked as they settled down. Adri swatted at Alex. "I was asking her the same thing!!" Nico said. "No you didn't. You asked me whether I was boiling myself!!" "Same difference." "No it's not!!" "Is too!!" "Alright kids... Let's order something??" Magnus said, his tone that of a done parent.

          All of them ordered their food and ate in silence. As they were paying for their food, Adri and Nico noticed something. "Guys, don't you think that man seems to be stalking us??" Adri asked, shuffling closer to Nico. "I think so too... Hey Magnus, Adri and I will be waiting outside." Nico said, grabbing the undead's attention and Adrienne's hand. They rushed out and sat on a bench.

          "That guy seemed weird back there. As if he were stalking us..." Adri stated, looking at the birds in the sky. "He sure did. Maybe he's just a monster minding his business." Adri snorted. "Just a monster. Yeah right. I think he was a cyclops. Exceptionally tall." "Hmm- Shoot, definitely a cyclops." he said, his tone hurried, as he turned Adri's head to face the hotel's entrance.

          Adri and Nico, both, stood up and took their stance, weapons in hand. The cyclops was not exactly tall by cyclops' standards as he was just 8 feet. Nonetheless, he was still strong enough to hurt the demigods. "Yum yum!!" he said, smacking his lips.

           Adri chuckled nervously. "Sorry, sir. Not today." she told the cyclops as he ran towards them, his big meaty hands stretched forward as if to catch them. Adri ducked and Nico rolled as the cyclops went and crashed into the bench they were previously sitting on.

           It quickly regained his footing and turned towards the demigods again. Adrienne and Nico shared a look. "Distract it and lead it to a shadow!!" Adri said, whipping out her cloak and running to a few trees. "Hey Mr.Big-Ugly. Look, follow me!!" Nico yelled, trying to provoke the cyclops.

           Nico followed Adri and stood under the shadow of the trees. The cyclops, painfully unaware of what was going to happen, fell for the trick. Because of Adri's cloak, she was invisible when standing in shadows. She sliced at the cyclops from behind, causing it to fall forward. Nico quickly got out of the way and plunged his sword into its back, right where its heart would be. The cyclops gave a dying groan and disintegrated, leaving Nico to stand in a pile of monster dust.

           "Good jo- Achoo!!" Nico looked at her quizzically. "You good??" he asked. "Dust allergy." she answered. Nico nodded and looked behind Adri when he heard rapid footsteps. "You guys alright? You weren't there when we came ou- Was there a monster??" Magnus questioned, noticing the pile of monster dust. The Greeks nodded. "Okay. Anyway, if you're both fine, we can catch a taxi that will get us there in under 20 minutes." Alex informed them.

           "Okay then. Let's find a taxi." They waited for 10 minutes and finally found a taxi that dropped them exactly where they needed to be.

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