Chapter 8 Jacquelyn

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[Stacy] Actually, that sounds quite relaxing. Text me the place so I can go lol

[Me] For sure. We'll book a trip here together.

[Stacy] Okay so tell me what's with the getup? You look sexy girl, that's a legit kimono?

[Me] We are going to a big festival in the city

[Stacy] WE? Who's we? I've known you for a while that you don't speak in the third person. You found yourself a man, didn't you?

[Me] Stop Stacy. Calm your horses.

[Stacy] Let me see him. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee

[Me] No. He's not my man, he just lives in the village too.

[Stacy] Wait, he's a sugar daddy. Girl!

[Me] What? No way! He's around our age. Wait, maybe a bit older since Asians don't raisin.

[Stacy] OMG LOL! You gotta tell me if he's sexy

I glanced at Isamu.

[Me] Well, yeah. He's in shape and tall, pretty much looks like a model. I still don't know the whole story of how he ended up where he is.

[Stacy] That don't matter. You better not leave Japan without getting his number at least.

[Me] We want to stay friends so yeah, that'll happen.

[Stacy] Um more than friends girl, that's your goal.

"We're here", Isamu said.


[Me] Sorry Stacy, I'll have to talk to you later. I'll send some pics

[Stacy] I'll be waiting. *wink face*

Isamu got out first and then came over to my side to help

"Kimonos are pretty but hard to move around in. Pretty much like most outfits for women."

"Well, you wanted to wear one."

"You recommended it but I'm grateful. By the way, how much was it to rent? I can pay you back once I'm back home."

"Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? That place looked really expensive."

"If I wasn't able to afford it I wouldn't have gone there."

"True, true."

We took our time enjoying the festivities. Isamu educated me on what this festival was about. We even went to a temple, I watched as he said prayers. I wasn't sure what to do. I grew up Christian all my life so when it comes to other religions, I don't want to be disrespectful. I stood back giving him space.

"You're not going to come over", he asked not looking back at me.

"O-Oh, I just didn't want to get in your way."

I walked up next to him. He looked quite calm as if this visit to the temple was well needed.

"I came from a rough family but very wealthy. My parents run some of the top businesses in Japan and overseas. I was taught from a very early age that I was going to take over the businesses alongside my brother. I was always top of the class. I was top 1% of my graduating class and I graduated early at the age of 16. I excelled in college with ease but none of that was enough for them. I realized I spent my whole life living for someone else instead of myself and so I started "slipping" as my parents would say. I stopped traveling with my parents, attending meetings, and eventually dropped out of university. I didn't care at all anymore. I hit an all-time low in my life. Even though I was at my lowest point, my parents only cared about the family image. They just made a cover-up story about me saying I was studying abroad for a while and taking a break from business matters. That was years ago, I have no idea what the story is now. Even at the age of 36, I still feel like I'm not good enough at anything. That's how bad they got to me in my head. I just left the city for good and drove until I ended up in the village. The villagers welcomed me with open arms, no questioning no judgments. Despite that, I always think I should do better for them because of how much they've done for me."

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