Chapter 5 Jacquelyn

Start from the beginning

I marched down the dirt path. The sun was beating on me but I didn't care. I rather die trying to get out of here than stay any longer around that guy. Just like I had planed the other night, I have to pace myself and I'll make it. 

I felt like I've been walking forever. I have no idea if I'm going the right way. I have no idea where I'm going. I tried asking locals where to go but my poor Japanese isn't helping. My phone is on low battery so I don't want to waste looking up translations. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a ride. The odds of me getting murdered here are slim. The worst I'll get is some guy having a fetish or something. If I can sell some panties for a few bucks I will.

More time passed by. I was starting to feel hopeless. I could feel tears prick my eyes. I don't know where I got the water to cry, I didn't even have to pee yet.

"Why is this happening to me", I cried out to the universe.

"What have I done to deserve this? I mean, back there wasn't so bad. If I was destined to live there please take away jerk face. I don't mean to kill him or anything just...I don't know...have him move out. He looks successful to survive in Tokyo."

Suddenly I heard something approaching behind me. I quickly turned around. It was a car...a really nice car.

None of the people out here have that kind of money for a car like that.

"Hey! Can you help me, I'm lost and..."

I stopped talking when the car rolled up to me and rolled down the window.

My eyes squinted.



"What do you want?"

"The old lady said to come get you."


"Get in."


I started walking off

He sped up and turned in front of me almost running me over.


"Come on, now!"

"No! I'll die out here and turn into flea food if that's what you want. Tell grandma not to work so hard and that I enjoyed working with her."

"Stop that. Fine...I'll stop being an ass if you get in the car."

I gave him a look.

"For real?"


I approached the car door slowly, letting myself in. It was nice in here, like very nice.

We headed back in silence but I had to break it. I hate silence.

"So...this must be your car, right?"

"Obvious-- I mean...yeah."

"Nice. So before you moved here, what did you do?"

"We've moved towards introductions?"


I saw him roll his eyes.

"I did business."

"Doing what?"

"I don't want to say."

"Ah okay. It all makes sense now."

"What", he said.

"You're in the yakuza."

"No I'm not!"

"It's okay. As long as you don't do anything illegal you're fine. I mean I personally don't support gangs but you do you bro."

"I'm not a part of the yakuza."

I let out a laugh. I was messing with him, he deserved it.

We arrived back at Grandma's house. She quickly came over as she was so worried about me.

"Gomenasai", I said while giving a deep bow.

Jerkface started saying something to her. She got upset with him and then gestured me inside.

The day turned into night once again. I helped grandma with dinner and then I cleaned up for her so she could get some sleep. Tonight felt nice. It was a cool breeze and the sky was full of stars, something I don't get to see back home. I went outside to sit, and that's when I saw jerkface was already out here looking at the stars too.

"Can't sleep or something", I asked.

"Isamu", he said.

"Huh? I don't understand that word."

"That's my name."

"Oh. Isamu, I like it. full name is Jacquelyn. A bit hard to spell but not too hard to say, right?"

"I went to school with a Jacquelyn when I was in the States. She was a bitch."

"Oh...well...yeah...I'm usually the opposite of that."

"You're like a cavity."

"Huh? Okay, mister name're not so perfect yourself."

"I mean, you seem so happy all the time, so optimist."

"Well, how are you supposed to survive life being so negative all the time?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Will you bite if I sit next to you?"

"Only one way to find out", he said.

I cautiously sat down next to him. So far so good.

"Thanks for coming back for me", I said.

"Grandma told me to."

"I think a small part of you was worried."

"Not at all."


I swear I spotted a slight grin on his face with the help of the moonlight.

I guess he's a human after all. 

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