Chapter 10: Crazy For You

Start from the beginning

I head into the kitchen where Lucas is sitting at the table with a newspaper in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

"So garage duty, huh?" I ask, teasing his old man status.

He peeks up from the newspaper, waits until Danielle isn't looking, and then shakes his head. Danielle turns around, refills both of our mugs, and says she's going to finish getting ready. She leans down, kisses Lucas, and tells us to 'behave'.

"Of course, babe."

He flashes me a wink and take a sip of my coffee to hide the laughter.

"So what are we really doing?"

"Getting props for Thursday night." He sets the paper down and grabs his phone.

"What's Thursday night?"

"Since you canceled on my bachelor party last month, we're having an impromptu one Thursday when the girls are out doing their thing."

I raise my brows, impressed. "And you think keeping a secret two days before your wedding is a smart idea?"

"Trust me. It'll be easier to ask for her forgiveness than her permission."

I laugh, seeing the old Lucas again. "Dude, I hope you're right. I'd hate to see her handcuff your balls to the staircase or something."

He winces. "Then let's just make sure the girls are gone long enough to not know any better."

I shake my head, smiling, fully on board.


Elle dragged me into town after our breakfast. She was on a mission to find something blue.

"It's tradition," she informs me for the second time. I flash a fake smile. "You'll understand that someday, Han. You'll want all the traditions and ridiculous flowers and be picky about colors and venues." She smiles sweetly at me. "Someday you'll be dragging me around looking for stupid wedding things, too."

Hearing her words completely guts me, straight to my heart with a sharp-bladed knife.

This is harder than I thought it would be and it's going to keep getting harder the longer I keep it a secret.

"I'm sure I will." I flash a convincing smile.

The day consisted of rummaging through flea markets, looking for something she could pin in her hair, wear on her ankle, and old, large picture frames. When I gave her an odd look about the frames, she informed me it was for pictures—snapping a picture of the two of them in the frame.

It was kind of unique so I understood the purpose. After a while, I loosened up and started to enjoy my time alone with her. It was fun picking out pieces and looking through old stuff.

"So you and Minji seem to have a little thing going on," she says casually, picking through stuff.

My brows shoot up, surprised she's pretending to sound so nonchalant about her. "Nope. Nothing happening."

"Seems like it."

"We haven't slept together if that's what you're insinuating," I reassure her.

"I wasn't, but good to know," she quips with a wide grin. "So why not?"

"Why not what?"

"Why haven't you slept with her yet? She's good looking. You're hot as hell. What's the problem?" The way she says it is like she's asking why I haven't tried the seafood yet or something. It didn't sound like Elle at all.

"What's the problem?" I repeat. "I've known her for three days! What kind of girl do you think I am?"

She narrows her eyes and scowls at me. "The kind of girl that hasn't had fun since she was in high school. The kind that barely left the house unless it was to the hospital or pharmacy. The kind that needs to let loose and have some fun for once in her life."

Her words hit me right in the stomach, this time full of truth and reality.

"Doesn't mean I should just jump into bed with the next willing girl," I retort, not exactly shooting the idea down. "I'm not looking for a relationship or anything that will make my life more complicated right now."

"Sex doesn't have to be complicated, Hanni."

I groan. Tell that to my heart, I think to myself. And vagina.

We arrive back to the house just before dinner. The guys are sitting on the couch with an empty beer case on the coffee table, each holding a bottle in their hands as they watch something on TV. As soon as they hear us, they quickly glance up at us and flash a weak smile before gluing their eyes back to the screen.

"Please…don't get up," I say dryly, walking pass Hanni with both hands full of bags.

"Someone's full of piss and vinegar," I hear Minji mutter to Lucas and the both of them laugh.

"Would it kill you to be a gentleman once in a great while? Or is that beyond your capabilities?" I snap, piling the bags on the kitchen table.

"You're the first girl to ever complain. So perhaps it's you, sweetheart." There's an edge to her voice, and I can tell she's getting off on rattling me.

"Or just the first girl to have standards."

Lucas bursts out in laughter, and I almost forgot he was in the same room.

"What? What I miss?" Elle asks, bringing in more bags.

"Nothing," I shout before Lucas can say anything. "Where do you want all of these?"

"There's fine. I have to organize it all and put it in the right tote bag."

Elle has totes all over the dining room floor, which is why we've been eating in the kitchen. Everything is labeled and perfectly organized inside.

"Okay, well, if that's the last of the bags, I'm going to head upstairs for a bit."

She sets the bags down and smiles. "Thanks for all your help." She wraps her arms around me and squeezes. "We should do this kind of stuff more often," she says, making me wince at her words, echoing in my ear.

"I agree," I say, my heart filled with regret. I pull back and head for the stairs, needing to distance myself before I completely break down in front of everyone.

First Minji and now Elle.

How am I going to tell her after this? How am I going to get through the rest of my time here without cracking?

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