Chapter 2: Hello

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I smile the entire three hours it takes to drive from New York to Massachusetts. My cousin is saying I do at the end of the week, and I'm her maid of honor.

With the top down on my blue, Volkswagen Beetle, the wind blows my newly dyed blonde hair everywhere—bucket list number thirteen—and I speed down the interstate. As I sing along to Katy Perry's latest hits, I finally pull up to Danielle's house—rather, mansion. Hingham, Massachusetts—known for its colonial history and location on Boston Harbor—is stunningly beautiful in the fall. The leaves are just starting to change color and the weather is absolutely perfect. Danielle's house is big—large bay windows and a white wrap-around porch adds to its beauty. It's much bigger than what I'm accustomed to. It sits right off the shore, with the backyard leading to the water, and it's simply breathtaking.

I turn the music down as I pull my car up next to her brand-new, silver Lexus and kill the engine. It's been months since I've seen Danielle. Months that I regret deeply, where I chose to hide away rather than be alive.

But not anymore.

No more sulking. No more being depressed. Life is too beautiful to be living it alone.

With a positive attitude and a bucket list, I'm coming here with a new outlook on life. It'll finally be my chance—my chance to live. I'm done hiding out. It's my time—probably my last chance—to be spontaneous, wild, and carefree. If time isn't going to be on my side, I need to make the most out of this life while I can.

Danielle's asked me to stay an extra week after the wedding to housesit during their honeymoon, so it'll just be me, the water, and fall leaves. I left my job more than two months ago—a job I had worked tirelessly toward for four years while studying at Seoul University—but now a job that was useless to me. I wasn't going to waste my time working.

Danielle asked me repeatedly if staying two weeks was too long, but I was more than happy to do it. They're getting married in six days—on Saturday—and I know she's going to need all the extra help she can get before the big day.

She's had her wedding planned since she was six years old, down to the flower bouquets and flavor of the cake.

The very idea of having to plan a wedding shoots anxiety throughout my entire body. The cost alone makes me want to jump off a cliff, but that was something Danielle never had to worry about.

We grew up in very different circumstances. My Aunt Hyori—Danielle's mom—married a very wealthy businessman. Elle grew up in a lifestyle that most people can only dream about. Wealthy, proper, elegant. She grew up around maids, nannies, and never hearing the word 'no'. You wouldn't believe it if you didn't know that about her. She's the most humble, down-to-earth person I know.

Aunt Hyori passed away when we were teenagers, and Elle's father—Uncle Mark—died in a ski accident a short time after that. Danielle, being an only child, inherited everything. So when she told me she was engaged, I knew there'd be no shortage of funds to make sure it was exactly the wedding she and her mother had planned years ago, before she died.

I barely slam my car door shut when I hear her heels clicking against the wood of the porch.

"Han? Is that you? Oh my God!" she squeals, her eyes lit bright. "Hanni kitty! You're here!"

"It's me," I say with a smile. She flails her arms as she runs toward me, pushing my entire body back against my car. "A bit much?" I laugh as she wraps her arms tightly around me.

I start to choke, desperate for air when she finally releases her death grip. "Sorry, I'm just so excited you're here!" Her eyes widen as her voice goes up an octave. "Oh wow, your hair! Blonde in front, I love it!" She threads her fingers down my blonde hair that was previously a rich chocolate brown. "You look so good. Getting a little too skinny though." She takes my hands in hers. "Oh my God! There's so much to do!" I can tell she's a bundle of nerves by the way she's rambling and practically jumping up and down.

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