Chapter 5: Set Fire to the Rain

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"I look like a 1920s whore," I groan, starring at myself in the full-length mirror.

"You do not, Han."

"Exactly what type of wedding is this?" I raise a brow at the flapper dress I'm being forced to wear.

"It's a themed wedding—The Great Gatsby," she explains. "Which means, flapper dresses and feather headbands for the ladies and suspenders and fedora hats for the men."

"Themed wedding?" People still do that?

"Yes. It's totally in."

I stay silent as the seamstress works on the dress. I keep reminding myself, this is for Elle….this is for Elle. At this point, I'm willing to do anything to make her happy, knowing what's to come.

"And these shoes." She displays a set of black heels. Totally not in style. "Don't give me that look, Han." She's trying to hide the grin behind her scowl. "These are t-strap heels. Very popular."

"A hundred years ago," I mutter.

"You look very charming, Hanni kitty."

"Just what every single girl wants to hear," I mumble.

She places the shoes back in the box and looks up at me. "You want to talk about it?" she asks. I raise an eyebrow in question. "About Sunghoon," she clarifies.

I shrug casually. "There's really nothing to talk about. We were headed in different directions. I didn't see a future with us, so I ended it."

"You loved him," she says matter-of-factly. My heart aches at the way she's sympathizing for me, but it doesn't matter anymore. He's better off getting over me now before it's too late.

"I did. But, I think I loved the idea of us more than actually being in love with him." That's a lie, but I've told myself that every night for the past three months. Sooner or later, I'll start to believe it.

"Well, there will be plenty of available bachelors this weekend." She wiggles her eyebrows. "We'll be gone Saturday and Sunday night, so feel free to take home a… party favor back with you." She giggles to herself, making me giggle right back with her. Elle is usually so proper and ladylike, but I know she can be a ball of fun.

"What about Minji?" I ask, surprising myself that I actually have the nerve to bring her up. "Is she an available bachelor?"

She narrows her brows at me, suspiciously. "Minji?" She's thinking to herself. "She's single, if that's what you mean. Not so much on the available part."

"What do you mean?"

"Emotionally. She checked out months ago. This is the first time Lucas has seen her in months."

A hundred questions are spinning in my mind. "Why?"

"A few years ago—"

"All done," the seamstress cuts her off. "I need you to slowly slip the dress off without pushing any of the pins out."

I shimmy the dress down my shoulders and body, letting it collect to my feet. I slowly step out of it and hand it off.

"I'll have the dress ready by tomorrow," she informs Danielle. She nods and both of us say goodbye before heading out.

"Oh, you want to catch some lunch before we head back? I'm sure the guys are still busy doing their thing. It'll be nice to catch up." She smiles excitedly at me. It's too hard to deny that look, so I agree.


"There's a quaint little place near the shore. You'll love it."

All the stores are close together downtown, so we end up walking. It's about a quarter-mile before we reach it.

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