Chapter 8: Someone Like You

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Lucas and Danielle leave before breakfast to pick up some friends from the airport, leaving Hanni and me alone once again. The last time we were alone things didn't end up exactly as planned, so my intentions are to just hibernate in my room until they're back home.

After getting dressed, I notice through the window that it's a fairly decent day outside and consider going for a run just to get out of the house a while.

I hear a door slam and quickly look to see if someone's here, but then I see Hanni. She's outside, walking toward the big oak tree.

What the hell is she doing?

I continue watching her, mesmerized by the way she struts right up to it and attempts to climb it.

I laugh to myself, curiosity building up inside as to why she's trying to climb a tree. I watch as she puts one foot up, reaching her hand up for the branch that's too high. She slips and falls right on her ass. She pops right back up and tries again. Back on her ass.

Oh, Christ.

I walk out of my room and down the stairs, heading right outside toward Hanni. She's still attempting to reach the first branch—jumping, bouncing on the ball of her foot, cursing—but no matter what she tries, she won't reach it.

She's completely oblivious to my presence as I approach from behind, so I take advantage and assist her, grabbing her ass and pushing her up until her hand comes into contact with the branch she's been aiming for.

"What the hell?" She turns her head toward me while groping for the branch.

"Don't tense up," I tell her. "Keep your head up or you're going to lose your balance."

She turns her head back around, gripping the branch tighter as her other foot lifts off the ground and balances on the trunk of the tree.

"Now pull yourself up." She does as I say with the help of my hands pushing her toward the next branch. "Grab the other branch and keep pulling yourself up."

She continues, my hands losing contact with her ass. I stand there watching, making sure she doesn't come tumbling down. She climbs until she comes to the third big branch and swings her leg over it so she's straddling it.

"Holy shit," she breathes out, looking out and seeing how high she is.

"Are you okay?" I yell up to her. "You aren't going to pass out on me, are you? I mean, I'll carry your ass down if I have to, but it won't be easy."

"Thanks, asshole." I hear the amusement in her voice. "Are you always this charming?"

"Only when the occasion arises."

"Which seems to be all the time," she shoots back quickly.

I laugh lightly, shaking my head. "Mind telling me what you're doing up there?"

"Checking out the view," she says flatly.

"And you couldn't have done that any other way without the potential of breaking your neck?"

"It's on my list," she calls down.

"On your list?" I furrow my brows, covering the sun with my hands. "What kind of list has this on it?"

"Learning how to climb a tree. Number fourteen."

"That's pathetic. Everyone should've learned in their childhood at some point."

"Yeah, well, I didn't. Plan on coming up here anytime soon so I don't have to keep yelling?"

I look down and realize I'm not wearing clothes fit to climb a tree. "Nah, I'm good."

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