She placed a hand on her shoulder, with a small smile in an attempt to calm down the lady before her. 

"Please, Don't devastate your health by fretting over me. You're a person of great importanc.. and I don't wish to waste your time, I'm just another shinobi." she stated, ending with a smile as if it'd make her comment any better. 

If anything, It only rubbed salt on her open wound or dragging a sharp knife deeper and deeper into her heart. 

"I'm sorry, Kana." was all she managed to bring herself to say, 

Kana's only replies were empty smiles and painful words in her soft and gentle voice.

"It's alright M'lady, I never really give a mind to what happens around me. I promise- "

"-I wasn't bothered least bit, I figured it was a good way to train myself." 

It shot her in the chest, right where it hurts like hell. 

She knew it was bad, 

She know shit went wrong when Naruto didn't call her granny or some stupid names to piss her off, he marched straight it and demanded what's going on with Kana. 

When she asked what was wrong, the blondie only huffed in anger and sat on the ground- doing a full explanation of how he found the little Uchiha all by her self on a swing in the middle of the night covered in atleast 25 different injuries, most not even caused by her line of occupation. 

The more he talked the harder it got for her to take a proper breath, she could feel the blood rushing from how tight her hands were clenched together, 

For the village, she told herself. 

But was it really?


What is there to even save in this village anymore? 

That very day, she dropped all work in hand and went straight to arrange a way to make things better, 

She decided it was the only way, she had to do it.  

The girl might get upset, but she was wiling to do it.

What Hokage would she be if she could not manage to secure the life of this child? How can she even expect to make a good leadership when the a literal toddler had no other choice but to kill to survive in her own village? 

She decided she was going to fire Kana from her current position as an Anbu, she was going to take away the little girl's ninja headband, atleast for the timebeing that is. 

Unless and until the village absolutely needs a helping hand, only at such emergence of need for another shinobi would bring Kana to a battle field, otherwise she shall not be brought to fight. 

with a clenched fist she brought out the papers and contracts which would be needed. 

'For her. not for the village.' she thought as she filled over the detailed and signed each paper carefully, her desk scattered with so many mounts and mounts of papers which turned a blindeye to. 

No longer could she bare seeing Kana continue with her job, she's had enough.. it was about time she gets a break. 

But apparently not everyone shared her idea, 

A huge banging noise was heard, soon followed by the sound of the table cracking.

The copycat Ninja gazed at the damange, before eyeing the angry man before him with raised eyebrows.

His Blessing.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat