Ch 18

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Soft, silky petals caressed her stomach lightly, then trailed up her chest and circled her breast, she moaned softly, turning her head into her pillow. Slowly, it moved up her neck and raked down her cheek to her lips where it brushed back and forth.

Jennie's eyes opened to see Lisa's beautiful handsome face grinning down at her. Her hand lifted to Lisa, which held a blood red rose over her lips. Jennie turned Lisa hand around and kissed her knuckles lightly nipping at them. "Morning."

"Good morning beautiful."

Jennie smiled shyly, her hand automatically going up to her hair, "Ah you're sweet but a terrible liar. I'm sure I look anything but beautiful."

Lisa eyes sparkled with love. "You're always beautiful to me," she said softly and reverently.  Jennie couldn't help the purr that escaped her lips as Lisa leaned down and kissed her softly. She wound her hands up around Lisa neck to draw her closer, but she pushed back, and Jennie scowled at her.

Reaching to the other side of the bed, Lisa picked up a tray and placed it in front of her. She sat up and looked at it, "Lisa, I'm not much of an eater in the morning, unless..." she leaned forward raking her hands up her chest, "I get to eat you."

Lisa groaned at her and smirked, "Baby you need to eat something, you need your energy."

She smirked back, "I do, do I?'

Lisa nodded and placed the rose in the vase that was on the tray then handed her coffee. "Yes, you do."

Jennie took the cup and sipped it, then took the bowl of fruit. She held it in her hands as Lisa picked up a strawberry and held it out to her lips. "You see baby, I have plans for us today, and all of them involve...vigorous activities, that will require you to have a lot of stamina. So, you see you need to start the day off with a nutritious meal."

Her mouth sensually closed over the strawberry, and she let her tongue lick Lisa's fingers as she encased the whole thing in her mouth.  She closed her eyes as the exquisite taste hit her taste buds. When Jennie opened them, Lisa was watching her intently.  "Nutritious meal ah? Are you going to feed me this nourishing meal?"

Lisa picked up a grape and held it out for her, "If that's what I have to do to make sure you eat, then yes." She popped the grape in her mouth, and Jennie chewed happily.

"Are you always going to feed me breakfast in bed?" she asked sipping her coffee.

Lisa smirked at her, "Only when I want to keep you to myself all day." She looked up at the ceiling, "Which come to think of it, may just be everyday..." she looked back at her smirking playfully, "So I guess the answer is yes." She plopped another grape into her mouth.

Jennie chuckled chewing on her grape. "So, I'm your prisoner now?"

"Prisoner is such a strong word, let's slave." Lisa smirked, and she giggled.

"Well, I guess I can go along with that." Noticing for the first time how quiet it was she asked, "What time is it?"

"It's nine o'clock." Lisa said, picking up another strawberry and presenting it to her.

She quickly took it in her mouth and chewed, "Where're David and Kathy?"

Lisa smiled at her sneakily, "Well, David wanted to visit Jeffrey in LA today, so I asked him to take Kathy with him."  She was grinning from ear to ear now, like a girl that just found her first new shiny red bicycle under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.

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