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It was five o'clock
when Mino and Lisa walked into the mansion. After their conversation earlier in the day at Lisa's office, Mino decided that he needed to step in and do something before the shit it the fan. So, after making some phone calls he called Lisa at four o'clock and told her that he made them double dates. When Lisa said she wasn't interested, Mino told her flat out that Jennie was too much of a hot persistent package for a horny bastard like her to ignore, and that this was the only solution, Lisa begrudgingly agreed.

As soon as they walked into the house they were hit with the sweet aroma of Sweet and Sour Chicken.

"Bloody hell that smells mouthwatering." Mino said.

"I told you." Lisa said as they made their way to the kitchen where they found Jennie and Kathy seated at the table eating their dinner. They were a picture of domestic bliss and warmth, and Mino turned to see Lisa's reaction, which was staring at the scene like a dying woman.

'Sucker.' He elbowed Lisa in the ribs to snap her out of it and then walked in greeting the girls. "Good evening, ladies."

Jennie was surprised to see them here so early in the evening and she turned to welcome them. "Hey guys this is a nice surprise." She sweetly said.

"Daddy, Uncle Mino!" Kathy said with a mouthful of food, which she ended up spitting out as she talked.

"Hey baby." Lisa said walking over to her and kissing her on the top of her head.

"Hey poppet." Mino said as he sat down next to Jennie.

Jennie stood up and walked over to the counter; she grabbed a plate and turned toward them, "Hungry?"

"No thanks lass, we're not here to stay, just so Lalisa can change. We got dates." Mino said as he stole a piece of chicken off of Kathy's plate, who giggled at his antics.

Jennie almost dropped the plate she was holding, 'Dates?' She looked over at Lisa who was avoiding her gaze and her eyes turned to slits. "Oh..." she said stonily.

Kathy looked up at Lisa her face crinkled with confusion, "What's a date?"

Lisa looking extremely uncomfortable with her daughter's question and the cold stare from Jennie didn't know what to say; thankfully Mino had no problem speaking up.

He leaned forward on the counter closer to Kathy. "Well, you see Poppet that's when 'adults'..." he said stressing the word, "...go out with friends who are their own age, and they hang out and have fun."

He finished with a smirk in Jennie's direction who looked back at him with flames coming out of her eyes, at least that's what it looked like to Lisa, who was even more uncomfortable.

Standing there Lisa couldn't for the life of her figure out why she felt like she was cheating on her. Lisa felt like she had just betrayed her lover and the guilt was eating her up inside. Damn Mino for coming up with this idea.

Lisa hand went up to loosen Jennie's hands that were strangling her...she shook her head, no to loosen her tie... 'is it getting hot in here?' She had to get out of here. "I'll go change."

Jennie watched Lisa, she saw the utter bewilderment and guilt on her face, and she would've laughed if it wasn't for the boiling anger that was slowly consuming her.

Kathy pushed away from the table and grabbed her hand, "I'll help you daddy." Lisa quickly glanced at Jennie once more before practically running out of the room with Kathy.

Jennie leaned back against the counter her arms crossed across her chest and glared at Mino, who looked like an innocent schoolboy. But he couldn't fool her she knew that he was behind this. This 'date' was a result of all that tension that she had felt earlier today in her office. Somehow Mino knew and he didn't approve.

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