CHAPTER 15 - PART 1(a)

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At Wei corporations...

The clock has been striking at 4:00 pm in the city of Beijing as the city is falling into the evening beauty, and in the heart of the city stood the headquarters of the biggest corporation of the country, The WEI CORPORATION, and in this building ...

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The clock has been striking at 4:00 pm in the city of Beijing as the city is falling into the evening beauty, and in the heart of the city stood the headquarters of the biggest corporation of the country, The WEI CORPORATION, and in this building on the eightieth floor is the office of the CEO and the YOUNG PATRIARCH of the WEI FAMILY and the chairman's office as well as meeting rooms where the young Patriarch held his meetings.

The floor at this time usually falling into silence as the young patriarch like silence as well as peace while doing his work and anyone making any noise always faces the wrath of the young patriarch but today the floor isnt falling into silence as a group of executives are seen entering the topmost floor with fear as well as nervousness visible on their faces as they moved toward the meeting room to only find Yu Ning, the alpha's secretary, standing at the entrance of meeting room making them feel a shiver run down their spine as they thought that the young patriarch has arrived in the meeting before them making them gulp their saliva as they looked at their watches to check the time and seeing it's fifteen minutes to 4:30 pm they released a breath of relief as they realized that they are on time but then what is secretary yu Ning doing here?

So they all looked at Mr. Tsai who is the general manger of the Wei corporation as well as the eldest among them all to ask Mr. Yu, the patriarch's secretary, whether the young Patriarch has arrived or not, as they want to braise themselves about the scenarios that might happen if the young patriarch had arrived and the elder when heard his colleagues was startled as he wasn't expecting it and he at first denied it as he knows that even asking Yu Ning about Mr. Wei Zhan can never make them ready to face the young patriarch because the man is very unpredictable, but seeing the face of his staff he just released a deep sigh as he told them that he will ask the young patriarch's secretary making everyone release a breath of relief.

Yu Ning when saw the executives team near the meeting room greets them and with this was about to open the door for the team when Mr. Tsai spoke, "Mr. Yu!" And Yu Ning who was about to open the door when heard Mr. Tsai voice immediately stopped as he spoke, "yes Mr. Tsai!" And Mr. Tsai on getting the attention he wants with a deep breath spoke, "has Mr. Wei Zhan arrived?" And Yu Ning when heard the name of the young patriarch from the elder shivered visibly as despite working with the said alpha for six years he is never ready to hear the name of the alpha unexpectedly, and executives with Mr. Tsai on seeing the reaction of the secretary felt that the young Patriarch is in the office and now they all are gone.

Mr. Tsai on seeing the reaction of the secretary felt pity on him as he spoke, "Mr. Yu are you fine?" And Yu Ning when heard Mr. Tsai with a smile spoke, "yes Mr. Tsai I am fine!" As he with a pause added, "I am sorry for inconvenience!" And Mr. Tsai on hearing this with a smile spoke, "it's fine Mr. Yu!"

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