Jungkook leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers as he studied her. His voice was as cold as his gaze. "And what do you have to offer in return for my help?"

Y/N's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and her voice quivered. "I don't have much to offer, but I'll do anything, anything you ask."

A heavy silence hung in the air, and
Y/N's heart pounded with anticipation. She knew that dealing with someone like Jungkook would come at a price, but she had no other choice her only priority was to save her brother who fighting for his life.

Finally, Jungkook leaned forward, his eyes never leaving hers. "Anything?" He asked as yn nodded "anything" she said back.

Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on Yn, he was sure she had cried for hours and not slept a blink her tried,swollen eyes said it all but for some reason it attracted him. She was a vision of raw beauty, and he couldn't deny the allure she held, even in her nervousness.

Yn's worry was evident as she awaited his reaction, and her heart was racing. For some strange reason, Jungkook found himself enjoying the way she shrieked in discomfort under his close observation. He seemed to be loving his current position of dominance over her.

Leaning forward he took a second break as he spoke further "You'll receive the money," he murmured, his words lingering in the air, "but you'll need to satisfy my needs."

Yn's confusion was evident, her eyes searching his for clarity. She felt a shockwave of disbelief as Jungkook chuckled, his laughter carrying a wicked edge "Everything comes with a price" he said yn cleared her throat for some reason she was feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Getting straight to the point,we'll have an intimate relationship," he said with an straight face. His eyes digging hole in her's trying to read her the way her reaction changed but there wasn't a hint of anger but rather helplessness.

Yn's mind raced as she processed his words. She couldn't believe that this was the price he was asking for his help. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment she couldn't even complaint she brought this up on her and she couldn't help but feel humiliated by the words he used working in the strip club was way too humiliating for her and on top of this.

She gulped her eyes brimming with tears but kept them inside she had humiliated herself enough she rose from her seat as she bowed "Thank you for your time sir but I am not interested such offer" she said, Jungkook looked at her he did expect her to deny it, he leaned back on the huge chair as he nodded "it's totally upto you" he said as yn bowed one more time her head hung low, she couldn't help but wonder why, why life was so hard on her despite her giving her best.

She walked towards the door her heart racing at the thought that how will she manage to collect such huge amount of money in such less time.
As Yn walked toward the door, her hand reached for the doorknob, ready to leave Jungkook's office.

But just as she was about to open the door, her phone began to ring. Yn's heart skipped a beat as she immediately picked up the call. It was the doctor, and his words hit her like a tidal wave.

"Mark's health has taken a sudden turn for the worse," the doctor's voice trembled with urgency. "He needs the surgery immediately, or it may be too late."

Yn's eyes widened with panic, her heart racing as the reality of the situation sank in. She couldn't afford to lose her brother, and she knew that time was running out the call was still connected she could hear mark crying in the background, his intense coughing she took a shaky breath clenching her phone before she cut off the call with a heavy heart.

She turned back to face Jungkook in instant, her voice quivering with desperation as she made a heart-wrenching decision. "I... I accept your offer." jungkook looked at her she looked down her heart beating but in that moment, all that mattered to her was saving her brother's life, no matter the cost even if it means she has to sell herself.

"Great," he said, his tone dripping with a sinister satisfaction. He rose from his chair and began to approach the petite girl, his steps purposeful and measured. He walked towards her "Come to the address I'll send you," Jungkook ordered, his voice low and commanding as he stood infront of her.

Yn nodded, a sense of dread settling over her. She had entered into a dangerous arrangement with a man whose intentions were shrouded in darkness. But her desperation for her brother's well-being left her with little choice.

With a tremor in her voice, she dared to ask, "Can I get the money now, please?"

Jungkook's lips curled into a knowing smirk, his gaze unwavering. He offered no verbal response, choosing instead to walk to his huge seat, he sat down reaching for his phone.

As Yn watched, her phone buzzed with a notification. She anxiously checked her account and couldn't believe her eyes—a huge sum of money had been transferred. It was more money than she had ever seen in her life.

Without a second thought, Yn made her move. She flung open the door and sprinted down the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest. She could sense the curious and bewildered stares of the people she passed, but she paid them no heed.Finally, at the exit, she hailed a passing cab.


Yn's heart felt like it was lodged in her throat as she sat in the corridor, her eyes locked on the closed doors of the operating theatre. Hours had stretched by since Mark, had been wheeled inside, and the passage of time had felt excruciatingly slow.

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Yn got up from her chair and approached the corridor leading to the operation theatre. Her steps were hesitant, her hands trembling with anxiety as she watched her brother being treated through the glass sheild.

Doctors in green scrubs emerged one after another, and Yn's eyes darted from one to the next, searching for any sign of hope or despair. Finally, she spotted the doctor who had been overseeing Mark's surgery. With a racing heart, she approached him.

"Is he okay?" Yn asked, her voice quivering with fear.

The doctor offered a small, reassuring smile as he nodded. "We were able to stop the contractions for now," he informed her. "But he'll need a heart donor as soon as possible we can't wait too long he is safe now just don't allow him to run or move alot."

Relief washed over Yn, though it was tempered by the realization that their battle was far from over. She knew that finding a heart donor would be a daunting task moreover the amount was huge, but at least her brother was stable for the moment that was all mattered to her.

She watched as nurses wheeled Mark out of the operating theatre and towards the VIP floor, an arrangement made possible by Mr. Jeon she looked at her mark who looked drained she walked behind the nurse.

Yn sat down beside her brother Mark, his face now peaceful in slumber. He looked fragile, his little face seemed tired. She leaned against the edge of his bed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she gazed at him with a mixture of love and anguish.

Mark was the only family she had left, and she had always seen him as her own son. His well-being meant everything to her, he was her everything the only person her mother left for her she smiled as she remembered how happy he was few hours ago and now he looked drained.

She was in sorrow untill her phone vibrated with a notification on screen, the deal she had with Mr.Jeon ran to her mind she leaned back so she did sell herself for money, her heart pounded she hated herself for doing it but it was the only way to save Mark and it didn't mattered as long as he was safe and healthy.

But just as despair threatened to consume her, a soft voice broke through the darkness. "Yniee" Mark whispered, his eyes fluttering open as he looked at his sister.

"Mark," Yn choked out, her voice thick with emotion. She rang the bell for the nurse, her tears now mingling with a sense of relief that her brother was awake. She hugged him from side  Mark looked at her "it's hurting Yniee" he whispered as he tried to move but yn held him gently as she mumbled "I know but it will fade away soon" She said with a smile her eyes brimming with tears as she cupped his face hiding her sorrow from him.


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