Chapter 10 - The Mary Janes

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Back in the Brooklyn of Earth 1610, Saturday had arrived. This was the day of Gwen's big concert, and Miles wanted to look his best without dressing too decoratively nor conservatively. He wasn't just going to meet his girlfriend and her bandmates; he was also going to meet her father.

He ultimately settled on a tight pair of jeans and his Brooklyn jersey with the number 42 on it, this time without a long-sleeved undershirt; he wanted to show off his toned arms. Checking himself in front of a mirror, he snickered at his jersey; the irony of its number didn't escape him.

In the back of his mind, he now had to wonder what his Earth 42 counterpart was up to, especially since he and his spider-friends helped to clean up his world's city and rid them of the supervillain cartel.

Is he alright?

Is his family doing well?

Is he still taking care of business as the Prowler?

He was also getting used to the nasal cannula by now; at least in his eyes, it hardly bothered his appearance anymore, even if he had to carry it everywhere with him. All he could feel, apart from the looming probability of heart failure, was pride.

The excited teen used this time to practice in the mirror. "Hello, Mr. Stacy... nah, that's too formal. Hi, I'm Miles... no, that's too casual." He cleared his throat and breathed deeply. "Hello, George Stacy, I'm Gwen's boyfriend—I mean, friend... I-I mean... d-date...?" He bowed his head in shame. "God, you are terrible at this!"

Miles swore that if he screwed this up, he'd rather be back in the hospital.

Cause of death... embarrassment.

"Nah, you got this!" He straightened up, fixing his top. "You're just meeting her dad... who is also a cop but not anymore..." Puffing his chest up, he exhaled.


Outside, Miles felt himself passing through a lowering atmosphere. He looked over to his parents, both who were sat at their dinner table in silence. His mother had her eyes in her phone while his dad was sipping almost vacantly from his coffee.

He frowned at them slightly. Lately, something was off about them. Usually when they were quiet, their home was chilled and relaxed with smiles... this, however, felt awkward and claustrophobic. There was just this tension in the air that not even his spider-senses could piece together.

He decided to break this silence. "Hey, mom. Hey, dad."

His parents, as if just realizing their son was there, broke out of their daze to put on their best smiles, which Miles could tell were forced.

"You guys okay?" he asked, trying to look cheery himself.

"Huh?" His mom took a delayed second to hear his question. "Oh, yes... we're fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah..." his dad chimed in, "... we're just enjoying a quiet morning."

Miles cocked his head, doubtful. "By staring into walls like a ghost?"

"No, son..." When his dad tried to place his cup back in its saucer, he missed its center and toppled its side, which created a mess on the table. "Shit."

His wife protested in her native language and got up from her chair, only to be stopped.

"I got it." he said, somewhat weakly, and he shuffled into the kitchen to grab the napkins.

Miles then wondered if these two had an argument while he was out, because they've also been acting despondent with each other. His head started piecing things together.

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