☆Pajama Party- Hazbin Hotel

Start from the beginning


"I ain't paying you shit!" Husker yelled, placing his bottle of booze to the side.

"It's the rules, ya fuckin' moron! You landed on my property, I got a hotel there, pay up motherfucker!" Angel replied, handing Fat Nuggets over to Alastor in case things got messy.

Charlie immediately tried to calm the situation down. "Guys, c'mon, it's just a game. Husk, you really do have to pay Angel, it is the rules after all."

"I ain't got a lot of money left, and I sure as hell ain't giving it all to that bitch," Husker said, taking another swig from his bottle.

"You're just upset because you hate to lose, Husker. But this isn't gambling, there is nothing you will lose other than your dignity," Alastor added, not really aiming to help the situation, rather to instigate it.

"Oh, you wanna fight, motherfucker?" Husker said, leaning over towards Alastor, who passed Fat Nuggets back over to Angel.

"I've been ready to fight since you starter insulting my angel."

Charlie jumped in again, "okay okay, new game! How about some Uno?"


"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Husker groaned as another plus four was set on the pile.

"How the hell are we losing to a damn pig?!" Vaggie yelled, annoyed as well.

"Vaggie!" Charlie scolded, surprised how Vaggie swore so suddenly.

"Oh, so now you're insulting Bacon, now?" Alastor said, static surrounding his head.

"Of course I am! He's a fucking animal! Probably has mush for brains!" Husker said, throwing his cards down and standing up in frustration.

Angel threw his cards down as well, standing up and getting closer to Husker. "Say one more things about Nuggs, I fucking dare you."

Charlie jumped up and shoved the two away from each other. "Okay, how about a movie instead. Each of us can pick one! Who wants to go first?"

Alastor raised his hand. "I would like to request Saw III."

Charlie smiles, "I don't think I've seen that one. Sure!"

Angel and Husker start laughing a bit, and thankfully Charlie didn't hear it or anything they said either. Angel leans over to his boyfriend, still laughing a bit.

"You're gonna scar her for life, Smiles," Angel says. Alastor wraps an arm around him.

"I know, but it is one of my favorite movies and she is too kind-hearted to turn it off until it's over," Alastor says, a more sinister grin on his face than usual.

Vaggie could sense that something was up with the movie choice and wad very suspicious of the three boys reactions, but she didn't say anything for now. Besides, if Nifty wasn't speaking her mind then there was no problem with the choice, right?

Wrong. There was a big problem, a huge problem. Charlie was terrified, slightly clinging to her girlfriend the whole time, her eyes occasionally faltering from the screen at the more gory parts. Vaggie was pissed to say the least, but Charlie insisted that she caused the least amount of problems as possible, and she didn't consider this a huge problem to make a fuss over.

Alastor found the movie rather hilarious, but that wasn't surprising to anyone. Gory movies were always his favorite.

Angel didn't rally mind horror movies. Sure, he preferred romance or comedy, but this was fine. Though there were a few traps that he didn't particularly like, such as the one called The Rack. He was fine with blood, not so much with several bones breaking. A couple bones, fine; five limbs slowly twisting until they snapped, definitely not. So, during that one moment, Angel held Fat Nuggets close and covered the pigs eyes as he felt Alastor pull him close and gently rub his arm.

Husker really did like horror movies, and he did enjoy Saw, but there was something about this particular one that just freaked him out to no end. Maybe it was the multiple different traps all at once that gave him a headache or maybe it was the traps themselves, either way he was slightly uncomfortable at certain parts.

Nifty didn't mind the movie at all, she didn't seem to have any particularly strong reaction to anything. She acted like it was any other normal movie she would watch. Husker found that funny.

Eventually, the movie ended. Charlie was still shaken up a lot, her voice quivering as she grabbed the remote to change the movie.

"G-great choice, Al. So, um, who's next?" Vaggie shot a death glare at everyone, daring them to pick a movie that was just as bad as that one.

Husker sighed and raised his hand, "lets do a classic. The Conjuring."

Charlie smiled, she knew that one, and she rather liked paranormal movies. She set up the movie and watched as Husker didn't get up to grab another bottle of booze and instead grabbed the bowl of popcorn from Nifty's hands. Vaggie kept her arms tightly wrapped against Charlie's torso protectively. Angel and Alastor leaned against each other with Fat Nuggets in between them, sharing a bowl of gummy worms. Overall, Charlie was happy that everyone was enjoying themselves.

The next few movies definitely weren't as bad af the first, mostly because they didn't have a lot of gore in them. Though, as the night slowly came to a close, Charlie finally put on her choice of movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas. It seemed as though everyone was happy with that choice, mostly because it was calming enough to fall asleep to. Nifty was already fast asleep. Husker was on the verge of falling asleep due to all the alcohol he drank earlier. Angel rubbed his eyes as he put Fat Nuggets in his sleeping bag since the pig was already asleep. Charlie just decided to let everyone lay down and slowly fall asleep one by one.

Soon enough, about halfway through the movie, mostly everyone was asleep. Nifty was curled up on top of her sleeping bag. Husker was on his back with the bowl of popcorn slowly falling to the side and spilling some of its contents. Alastor and Angel were on their sides, Angel's face against Alastor's chest with their arms wrapped around each other.

Charlie yawned and relaxed against Vaggie's back, causing her to smile and kiss Charlie's forehead.

"Get some sleep, hun, you've had a long night. Everyone had a great time, so relax," Vaggie said reassuringly. Charlie nodded and her eyes slowly closed as she felt Vaggie pull a blanket over her.

Best sleepover ever.

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