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"Respect, Margot" Summer says as the three females walk into their house

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"Respect, Margot" Summer says as the three females walk into their house.

"Yeah, this is a legit party house" Pandora smiled as she looked around. "Mm-hm. Everything else was booked out" Margot said. "And there is a strict no-party policy" She points out to the two teens. "I'm not much of a partier anyway" Dory shrugs. "You a partier when you're with me" Summer says, walking into the living room.

"And that is only because, Torres, I am in love with you so badly that it makes me do the most out-of-character things!" Pandora poked at Summer's stomach.

"True, true" Summer laughed.

"Besides, you'd find some sort of way to convince me that I should be partying with randoms, hours ahead" Pandora added.

"See, you know me!" Summer says. "I mean, but, how else are we going to celebrate when I make the team?" Summer got back to her main topic. "Well, you crashed Poppy's final, so try the top of their blacklist" Dory said. Summer looks out the big glass window to see the backyard.

"Panda Bear, you're so funny" Summer said before turning back to her mother, who was currently in the kitchen on her phone.

"I really wish you'd seen me though, Ma" Summer tells her; "Instead of sitting in the car, working".

"Yeah... I'ma find me a room" Pandora says, uncomfortably. She grabs her suitcase from the corner of the room and goes to pick out her new room. "I'm sure you were great" Margot tells her daughter as they were now the only two in the room. "But, Summer, if you genuinely want to be a competitive surfer," She said.

"—There is a right way to do things and a wrong way".

"The surf industry likes to paint themselves as a bunch of system-bucking rebels," The older woman said; "but, honey, believe me, they're not going to fall over themselves for some rookie who rips up their rule book".

"Especially a young woman" Margot points towards Summer.

"Things have changed since you were on tour, Ma" Summer says. "Well, it was still this millennium" Margot smiles. "Come on. Let's just have fun for the next couple of weeks" She said. The brunette with green streaks in her hair questioned the statement and looked at her mother with confusion. "You mean, couple of months" Summer corrected her.

"Well, that was when we thought you had a shot at Nationals, so..." Margot tells her.

"Well, you and Dory still have school".

"Let's just be realistic" Margot says. "Go get Dory. We're leaving" She added before leaving the kitchen. "I hate being realistic!" Summer called out. Summer rolled her eyes and huffed. She pushed her weight off the counter to search for her friend who was currently in one of the house rooms.

Checking in one of the rooms then the next, Summer found Pandora unpacking her things.

"Babe?" Summer peeped her head into the room. "Hmm?" Pandora answers, turning her head to her best friend. "We're leaving" Summer says as she twirled the car keys around her finger.

Dory tossed the clothes that were in hand onto her bed, and without hesitation, she went over to Summer with a grin.

"Sweet, let's go!" She beamed.

Summer grabs her hand, making their way downstairs, and then outside to the car.

"M'lady" Summer says once she opens the backseat door for Dory. Margot was already in the passenger seat, her eyes glued to her phone, sending out emails to her job. The brow-skinned girl pressed her lips together as she tried to tame her smile. "Why thank you, kind stranger" Pandora replied.

Summer chuckled and shut the door once Dory took her seat in the car.

She joined the two in the car, and they soon began to head to their destination.

Struggling to do different types of tricks on her new skateboard, Honey Gibson stops herself when a car pulls up beside her

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Struggling to do different types of tricks on her new skateboard, Honey Gibson stops herself when a car pulls up beside her.

Sticking her head out of the driver's seat window, Summer smiled. "Nice kickflip" She says. Pandora rolls down her window and waves. "Hop in, little bee" The curly-haired girl opens her door to allow the young Australian girl inside. Honey didn't hesitate to get inside, even though she was curious about the newcomer who was with Summer and her mom.

"Who's your friend?" Honey asked Summer. "That's my girlfriend" Summer jokes. "Seriously?" Honey questions. "Ew. As if I'd go out with you" Dory replied to Summer's comment. "You know you want me, stop fronting" Summer grins as she looks at Pandora through the rear mirror.

Dory sticks her tongue out at Summer before turning her body towards Honey.

"I'm her best friend".

"I'm so glad you said that because you're way too pretty to be with her" Honey stated. "Hey!" Summer says as Margot chuckles. "Oh, Honey. I like you already!" Dory hugs Honey, laughing. Summer drove to the Gibson's house. Pandora and Honey talked, and Margot stayed attached to her phone for the rest of the way there.

"You have to see my deck collection" Honey says as she and Summer walk into her home.

"Honestly, the amount of gold people dump in hard rubbish is truly astounding" She said. Turning the small corner of the house, the two are met with the sight of Wren and Ari making out in the kitchen. Honey sighs and rolls her eyes, catching the attention of the older girl standing next to her. "They do this all the time" Honey whispers to Summer.

The couple broke their kiss and looked to see who walked into the room. "It's kind of gross" Honey says, looking at Ari and Wren. "Sorry, Honey" Wren says to the girl. "Just keep walking" Honey says as she grabs Summer's wrist. "Wait. One second" Summer tells Honey.

"Um, I did want to say my bad for crashing your final" Summer says to Wren with an apologetic smile.

"Oh. Please, don't worry about it" Wren said as Pandora walked into the room. "Yeah, comp surfing's all about dealing with the unexpected" She says, sending a smile to Pandora. "Like when someone steals your wax before a final" Wren giggled as she nudged the side of her shoulder with Ari's. "Right, yeah. That's actually how we met" Ari says.

"We were at a comp and-" He drops his cup in the sink, making a loud clash with the metal tub; "Yeah, um, she accidentally nicked my wax".

"Yeah, "accidentally"." Wren grins as she briefly raises her eyebrows. "Boys, right?" She said. "Right" Summer says, softly. "Wrong" Pandora chuckles. She glances at Dory, who seemed completely uninterested in this topic than she was. "He's just the best. You know?" Wren said.

"Hey. You're pretty great yourself" Ari said with a smile. Wren chuckles. "I just threw up a bit in my mouth. That's just how cringe that was" Pandora said. "Right. Let's go" Honey finally says, grabbing ahold of Summer's hand and then motioning Pandora to join her.

Dory got out of the island chair as fast as she could and trails behind them.

Maybe This Time//Summer TorresWhere stories live. Discover now