The Q Word(Jercy)(ANGST)

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Percy's POV

NO! NO! NONONONONO! This can't be happening. It can't end like this. My boyfriend, my love of my life is dying. Annabeth is trying to save him but the attempt seems useless. Why did he run out in front with no protection? 

A few hours earlier...

"I don't know if I've ever had a shift this quiet," I say. My TO, Annabeth, sharply pulls our shop to the curb. She slammed on the breaks and took a deep breath. "Did you really. Just say the Q word. In my shop?" she accused. "Wh-What, quiet?" I ask, confused. "STOP! You do not, under any circumstances, EVER, use the Q word while on duty. That is like saying Macbeth in Theater or talking about a no-hitter in the dugout," she yells. "Okay, I had no idea you were so superstitious," I say trying to defuse the situation. "That is not superstition that's fact," she states. 

She exited the shop. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I am going to get the trauma plate for my vest because I have a feeling I am going to need it," she states. I did not know saying the Q word was so dangerous.

It doesn't take long for what Annabeth said to come true. The radio crackled to life, "Wilshire units, information only. Hollywood division is in pursuit after a shots fired call. Event 8-0-5 working on channel 4. Information only."  Holy shit, that was Jason and his TO.

I opened the car door and yelled, "Officer Chase, there's an 8-0-5 with Hollywood division in pursuit." The radio crackles again and this time I hear Jason's voice, "Uh, gr-gray Maserati, no plates. Suspect vehicle is picking up speed.  Uh, we are southbound on Normandie, 50 miles an hour. We got moderate traffic."

Annabeth had hopped in the car and we were already speeding their way. I hope our traffic wasn't bad. Dear Lord, please let my Jason be okay. Once again Jason's voice came back, "O-O-O-Okay, wait, I'm, J-Just stand by." "Something's going down," I cry, trying to hold hold it together.

"Pull it together," Chase reminds me. "I can't have you going in there and getting yourself hurt." Jason's back on, "Okay, he's left on Wilshire. E-Eastbound on Wilshire. Speed is 70. This is heavy traffic. He's-He's blowing lights. Sidewalk! He's on the sidewalk!"Dispatch responds, "Copy, eastbound Wilshire, speed 70, blowing lights call. 6-Mary-100, copy?" Officer Leo responded, "Copy. Advise Mid-Wilshire. Want is 245 with a handgun."

Annabeth picks up our radio and says, "Control, 7-Adam-15, attach us to the pursuit. Event 8-0-5 and switching to channel 4." Jason responded, "6-Adam-41, just T. C. 'd Wilshire at Virgil. We are lead car. I-I'm gonna need backup guys. I need, I-I need help!" Officer Nico was next to respond, "Copy. 6-Mary-47 help call. Hollywood and Mid-Wilshire units responding." "Control, 7-Adam-19, attach,  Code 3." Officer Leo said. 

I was holding myself together by threads. Jason sounds so frantic, so scared. All I wanted was to wake up and find out this was a bad dream. I wanted to wake up in my bed with my Jason hugging me. Annabeth started to go faster. I'd already seen other cars fly by. "Copy. 6-Mary-47 eastbound on Wilshire. Approaching MacArthur Park," dispatch informed.

Annabeth whipped around a corner as Officer Calypso responded, "Control, 7-Adam-07, we're two blocks from there." "Suspect vehicle has crashed!" Jason's TO, Piper, informs us. It still seems as if we are to far away to help. I was practically jumping in my seat before Annabeth finally screeched to a stop.

We were too late! "Jason-" Officer Piper yelled. "Get back, get back!" Jason yelled, advancing. "Jason, Jason!" Piper cried. I wanted to yell, say something, anything. "Show me your hands! Hands on the window!" Jason yelled. "Jason get back!" Piper kept yelling. "Hands! Hands!" Jason repeated. "Show me your hands!" "No, Jason, no," I cried.

Everything slowed, I saw the gun sticking out the window. Jason was still advancing while Piper yelled at him. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Three shots were fired from the gun. Jason was knocked off his feet, the force of the bullets pushing him back slightly. He lands harshly on his back. I run out from behind my open door.

"Jason!" I cry. I take out my pistol and shoot at the driver while running over to Jason. I pull him back while Annabeth and Piper exchange fire between the driver. Will and his TO, Nico, finally pull up. Will hops out of the car and runs to help me pull Jason away.

The car begins to drive off  but luckily Leo pulls up with his rookie, Hazel. I spoke to soon though. The car backs up right by them and does a U-turn. They began to chase after them with police following them. I only had one job right now. Watch over Jason.

Annabeth had started CPR. All we were waiting for was an ambulance to come and get Jason. It came barreling down the street, lights flashing. It pulled up next to a shop and out came two men pulling a stretcher. They carefully moved him onto it before loading him onto a gurney. They moved him into the ambulance, one of them taking Annabeth's spot. Annabeth pushed me into the ambulance right as the doors were closing. 

One guy was still doing CPR while the other one was slips an oxygen mask over his head. That man also applies pressure to the wound. I am crying and trying to breathe. I can't catch my breath and I think I'm having a panic attack.

We got to the hospital in less than ten minutes. The nurses rushed Jason into emergency surgery. All I could do now was wait and pray that he would be okay. Finally, a nurse came and got us. Annabeth and Piper had long since showed up. They brought us into nice looking room where we were sat down. Why couldn't I go see my boyfriend? 

A doctor in blue scrubs came in. "I am sad to say that Jason Grace passed away during the surgery," He told us. "We tried everything we could but in the end it wasn't enough." I felt tears prick my eyes but I refused to cry. My feelings overwhelmed me anyways and I began to sob. Harsh sobs kept falling from my lips as if they'd never stop. It felt like I was being swallowed by pain and misery.

If someone can guess what show this is from then I will take any writing suggestion they give me.
                                                                -Zoe Nightshade


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