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Time skip: two weeks later
TW: Sexual Activity

Today is Billie's graduation day and I am so excited for her. Billie didn't let me see her all day because she said it will be a surprise so I've been waiting for her to be ready for five hours and I am starting to go crazy

"Daddy when is Billie ready?" Scarlet asked and I shrugged rubbing my forehead in annoyance. Was I like this too? At my graduation?

"I don't know babe, she should be done by now" And as I let out these words Claudia stepped outside of the room and I looked at her hopeful

"She's ready" Claudia nodded and I smiled and stood up watching as the door opened and Billie got out with tears on her face and our faces fell

"Love- baby what happened?" I asked as I hurried toward her and she cried in my chest and I looked at Claudia and she was as confused as I am"Bil, my love, what happened?" I asked worried

"A-Am I fat?" She asked and I backed up a bit at her question. What? But she started crying harder and I blinked in confusion"I knew it! I am fat! You don't love me anymore!" She cried and I swear I've never been more confused in my life

"Billie? Baby of course I love you, I love you no matter how you look but you are not fat" I said trying to hide the confusion

"Then why don't I fit in a dress I bought last week!" She shouted at me and Claudia and I jumped at her voice"I am fat and ugly and no one should love me! I wanna die!" She shouted sobbing and I've never seen Billie like this, well she never really cared if she was fat or not and I know because I am with her 24/7 but I guess this is a first

"Baby, listen to me, maybe you're bloated or something but you aren't fat. Why do you care so much? You are absolutely gorgeous no matter your weight" I said and she sobbed but not even five seconds she ran back in the room with a big smile. . .um, I guess her period is coming?

After Billie dressed in another dress and re-did her make up we were ready to go but Scarlet had to stop us to go pee. I held Billie as close as possible to me and she chuckled softly

"You look very pretty" I whispered and she smiled turning around wrapping her hands around my neck

"You think?" She asked softly with a beautiful shiny smile on her pretty face. I nodded and kissed her

"Okay, as much as I love you both I don't want the image of you eating each other, okay? So either you get a room and be silent or cut it" Claudia said and we laughed. Billie cuddled onto me as we waited for the devil to come back

"Okay guys, I'm ready" Scarlet said grabbing her pink purse and heart-shaped sunglasses making us all laugh

"She's one of the Kardashians now" Billie whispered in my ear and I laughed at her. Me, Billie, Scarlet and Claudia got out of my house and headed toward Billie's car

I sat in the passenger seat and Claudia with Scarlet sat in the back. Billie started driving toward the University where the ceremony is when we saw Gracie's number appear on the car screen

"Yes, my love?" Billie asked and I heard Gracie giggle

"Where are you guys? Your friends are going to take their caps now" Billie gasped and sped up

"Oh crap, I'm coming, we're pretty close anyway" Gracie hummed and they hung up"Jes?" I looked at her"I am graduating in the same place Taylor Swift did, can you believe it?" She asked and I smiled at her excitement

"Yes, I am so proud of you" I said and she smiled and not even five minutes later we arrived there. Billie picked Scarlet up and we all ran toward the changing room where we left Billie

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