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Quick A/N: Fuck dude I forgot to put the TW at the start of the pervious chapter, sorry, anyways, here's a time skip, we're back in NYC baby :)

Also read the chapter again please 'cause I realized the book didn't have an ending and thought it was a glitch but turns out it wasn't so yeah. . .

"Bil, I am telling you, there ain't no way" Gracie said and I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the hot cup of coffee and gave the man his money

"Yes there is, and fuck he's huge and so gentle, like I could get used to his touch" I told her and she blinked at me and I smiled with a mouth full of doughnut bites

"There is no way you and THE Jesse Rutherford fucked. I am not believing you" Gracie said and I shrugged and looked around the Central Park

"Believe what tk want but I know how it felt" I said and she rolled her eyes and sat down on a bench"But it's wired 'cause none of us talked about it, you know? We haven't even talked, it was quiet and he didn't text me about if wether I shoukd come or not tomorrow"

"Billie tomorrow is Christmas eve, of course he doesn't want you to disturb his rich ass" She rolled her eyes and I smiled

"You jealous?" I asked and she rolled her eyes and bit from her cupcake

"Fuck no, he ain't my type but seriously, you gotta be careful, he looks like- well he looks like a dumbass but I know, I mean I saw what he does to girls and women and I don't want to see you hurt again" She said and I rolled my eyes and ignored her shit

"You're overreacting, babe, he's a good man, a very good man and if he hurts me, so what? People get hurt every day" I shrugged even though I know that if I get hurt it would be bad for me, last time I got very depressed and almost killed myself but now I am better

I knkw Gracie will kill Jesse if he broke my heart but I know he won't, I have no doubt

We kept chatting about random things and when it got too cold we decided that it would be a better idea if we went back to the apartment so that's what we did

When we got back I went in my bedroom because the big newspaper is due after the winter brake so that means a little time and so much to do. This break I will spend it mostly at the University editing and printing because once they did the searching, writing and editing a little it's my job to do the rest

And by the rest I mean I will have to look over to fify ideas, choose the best one, run it over, edit it which takes me two or three days, adjust it to the correct size, print one version then look it over once again to see any msitakes, if there are mistakes another two days go by a big ass re-do

I know, how the fuck can a human being work like this, but the thing is, I love doing all of this. When I was a kid Gracie and I discovered this really cool show called Gilmore Girls and I remeber when Rory and Paris went to Yale they got into English too and I saw what they were doing and loved every minutes

I was about eight and ever since then I knew that this is what I want to do, journalism. In highschool I was going to english competitions or battles or whatever they were and won every single time. I was the best at it and for my sophmore year I had to write a damn play and all the sophmores played it and it turned out to be great

Victoria Beckham is my inspiration and my wanna be. She is a fashion journalist and this is what I am going for too. I mean I think I am pretty good at english and I know ten more other languages, including Romanian, Chinese and Mandarin, and I love fashion and New York

When we moved to New York and ever since then me and Grace have attended every fashion week here in New York and even dressed up for it. I remeber she was asked to model for some magazine but declined then I started yelling at her about how gorgeous she is and how much money she can make

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐑𝐊//𝐁.𝐄Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora