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- very poorly edited because I am so tired, I am very sorry -

Monday, all Mondays are the worst days of the week. We are all so tired after a weekend of studying or partying or whatever people are doing on weekends

Mondays should be illegal.

Currently I just got out of my last class for the day and I have to hurry 'cause I need to pick Scarlet up from school and take her somewhere to eat, hopefully she won't tell Jesse that

I know that he hates when I take her out but she's a kid, she can eat a little McDonald's or whatever she likes, plus he's an idiot who judges people by the way they look

I sighed and looked after an Uber, I like having my own money, I feel independent which I am 'cause it's the twenty-first century and I am a woman, ha

I saw my Uber and I waved at the driver so he could see me. Before I could enter in the car I saw Joshua, the associate editor, running toward me, his glasses falling off his nose

"Billie! Billie!" He yelled out of breath and I told the Uber to wait, he gotta anyway 'cause I'm paying him to do so

"Yeah?" I asked and and he groaned

"Gee, running is hard, anyways, we got it, we got the number" My eyes widen and he nodded

"Eleven thousand" He said and I sighed thinking

"How much time do we have?" I asked and he looked at his watch

"Four weeks" I frowned thinking of ways to do this. The Editorial Stuff is forced to do a big sale so it can help the school and we thought of interviewing someone important around here but none of us have any ideas and this has got to be big, I mean our usual sales are around one hundred and four weeks are too soon

"Fuck, um, we can do it. I will think of someone" I said and he nodded"Text me everything you know and the info for the tomorrow's paper, I will edit it and email it to you back" He nodded and hugged me then ran back. I got in the Uber and apologized once again then he took me to Scarlet's kindergarten

When I arrived I saw Scarlet waiting for me outside scared and I quickly got out and ran toward her making her look up and smile

"Hey, baby, sorry I am late, I had to fix something" I said and she nodded smiling

"It's okay, I forgive you because you are very pretty" I chuckled and grabbed her hand"Daddy said that we have to go to his office because he has to give me something" I nodded and she told me the address and I carried her in my hands because it's cold outside and I don't want her to feel cold

After ten minutes of walking and whining about the cold we arrived in front of a tall building. I remember when I first arrived in New York I was so shocked about how tall the buildings are here but this one seems rather taller than the other, he really must be rich

"He's at the last floor" My eyes widen and followed her inside"Hi Melyssa" The little girl waved and she woman nodded with a smile

"Hi Scarlet" She responded. The whole way up we were greeted by so many people and I can say I am very surprised that a man so arrogant can control so many people, well of course be can, he's Jesse Rutherford, the arrogant son of a bitch

"Here" She pointed at a door made of mat glass so you couldn't see through it and it was dark. I knocked at the door and heard a hum so I enter in with a smile"Daddy!" Scarlet yelled and Jesse smiled when he saw his daughter

That smile is driving me crazy and I hate it!

"Hi babygirl" He placed her in his lap and kissed her cheeks and I looked around the enormous office"Like what you see?" He asked and I shrugged

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