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"Billie, Billie, can we get ice-cream?" Scarlet asked and I glared down at her as I was looking for some carrots

"Girl, outside are sixty degrees and you want ice-cream? No, I'm sorry but anything that doesn't make you sick" I said and she giggled and ran toward the sweet section and I rolled my eyes going after her, the last thing I need is to lose her in Target

She came back with her hands full of sweets and I laughed and helped her place them in the cart. I lifted her up and placed her it then grinned

"Want to go on a ride with Pilot Eilish?" I asked and she nodded smiling and I chuckled and ran with cart making the girl laugh and clap. I spun the cart around making people give us wired looks but that's the least I care

When I started getting dizzy I stopped the cart and Scarlet was already laughing her ass off making me chuckle

"Can we do this again" I nodded and sniffed as I made our way to the checkout

"Sure but when we get home 'cause this made me feel a little dizzy" I chuckled and placed the things on the band and she helped me"But first you gotta finish your homework, you know how I feel about them" I said and she nodded and I paid the things then left and called an Uber because it's freezing and I don't want to catch a cold because I have no idea what Jesse was thinking this morning by giving her only a t-shirt and a sweater and some baggy jeans

We got back home and I placed the groceries on the counter as I told Scarlet to go wash her hands then change and come with her homework here. It's wired that kindergarten kids get homework, they can't read or do math so it's mostly their parents' homework

When she came back she had a very cute pajama set with dogs and cats which made me chuckle. I looked through her homework and she had to draw an apple and then do some d's. Scarlet is in her last year at kindergarten so she'll start school next year

As she was drawing her homework I was cooking her some lunch and sometimes looking at her and goddamn that girl is an artist. I should show this to Jesse I'm sure he'll be very pleased to know about how good his kid is at arts

"Billie?" I hummed as I was cutting the potatoes"When is your birthday?" She asked and I smiled

"Eighteenth of December, why?" She gasped

"That is so close! I have to buy you a gift" She said and my eyes widen and I shook my head

"No, please don't. I don't like receiving gifts" I said and she blinked confused

"Of course you like gifts, everyone does" I chuckled shaking my head and moving closer to her

"Well I don't really like them, it brings back some memories that I would like to forget" I said and she nodded and I sighed"I don't try to argue, I am just explaining okay? Please don't take this badly" I said and she smiled and hugged me

"Okay! I am hungry" She said and I smiled

"Ten more minutes, I promise" I said and she nodded and went back to her drawing

‐ Flashback -

"Good morning, baby" I heard mom said and groaned waving my head so she could leave me alone but that only made her chuckle"Happy birthday!" She said and I hummed and sigh

"Thanks" I said standing up and wiping my eyes and smiling at her. Today I am turning sixteen and I am pretty excited because I get to take my driving exam next month

"I'll see you at breakfast?" Mom asked and I nodded and she kissed my head then left. I grabbed my phone and saw lots of texts and the first I opened was my boyfriend's, Henry

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