Chapter 1

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Tapping his finger on the big oak table, the brunette unconsciously bit his lip as Yasano glanced at him, raising a brow.

"Everything alright there, Dazai?"

"All's fine. Thank you." The brunette answer quickly as he retrieved hid hand, folding his arms across his chest.

It was only a few more minutes before the meeting door was swung open and three man entered the room. Their aura enveloping everyone there.

"Thank you everyone one for attending this meeting." The grey haired male spoke up as he gestured for the port mafia members to seat.

Mori Ogai, Nakahara Chuuya and Kouyou Ozaki...

The brunette watched them as they sat themselves down, only Chuuya giving a glance but it soon returned to Fukuzawa.

"As agreed on, thanks to the port mafia's help in our last...mission, Mori sensei..."

Though subtle, guilt was in the man's voice as he glanced over to the raven haired who was resting his head on his interlocked hands, a smile on his face that showed no thoughts, plans or emotions.

"You may choose one of our members to temporarily work in the mafia." The man emphasised the word 'temporarily' just for Mori to hear.

As the other's mouth parted, the grey haired male continued, "Yasano is off bounds."

The raven haired male frowned before chuckling, "You don't need to keep on repeating that, Fukuzawa-dono, I'm no longer interested in her."

Dazai glanced to the side when he caught a glimpse of Mori giving him a side glance.

"Welcome back to the mafia, Dazai-kun..."

The brunette felt his heart sink as he uncrossed his legs, standing up shakily. The rest of the ADA members watched in shock. They were thinking mori would choose Atsushi, the infamous weretiger or maybe even tanizaki for his ability.

"President...May I confirm that you were the one who made this deal?" Dazai made his voice sound even. He did not miss the concerned glance Chuuya was giving him.

"That's right, Dazai." The grey haired male reluctantly replied, eyes closing as he refused to meet the other's gaze.

Rampo who was sitting beside the president, allowed his eyes to open, taking a peek at Dazai's reaction which was nothing currently, just a blank look on his face.

Fukuzawa, upon noticing Rampo's suddenly serious expression, found his eyes also glancing at the brunette.

The grey haired male nudged the raven haired gently but Rampo merely shook his head, not answering Fukuzawa's answer.

"I refuse." The brunette said bluntly, legs moving faster than he thought as he reached for the door knob.

"Dazai-kun, you should listen to orders given to you." The port mafia boss's cold voice echoed in the silent meeting room.

"I refuse politely." The brunette added as he turned to face the raven haired who stood, approaching the brunette with a menacing smile, only Dazai knowing the meaning of it.

The purple haired lady watched with narrowed eyes as she glanced at Fukuzawa and Rampo who were looking right back at her.

"How could you, Dazai-kun? After all we've been theough together."

"Is that so? I don't remember any memories of us being together."

Everyone in the room were aware that Dazai used to be in the port mafia and nothing else about the man, much more about Mori's and his relationship.

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