Calamity befall this nation

Start from the beginning

Like a trophy for justice, a water droplet was born from her mother's tears as she lay on the ground lifelessly. Egeria noticed the water droplet and inspected it curiously. The droplet moved towards her trying to find safety in this world it was born in. Ever since then, Egeria had taken care of this water droplet, placing it in a bowl like a fish. The droplet got good treatment and grew close to Egeria.

After the Oratrice failed to make verdicts, Egeria brought the droplet with her to look at it. The Oratrice made from pure water and the droplet born from sorrow resonated with each other. The droplet looked like it was bouncing on the ground and the Oratrice responded to its calls as if answering yes or no questions.

Egeria knew what had to be done. That day the droplet was forged into a human form. The reasons for his first birth were unknown even to Egeria, despite witnessing the birth of the droplet. The reason for his second birth was to set this country into justice and purify the filth that was suffocating every corner of Fontaine.

His face was sharp and his frame tall. White long hair travelled down his back and two long horns grew and hid amongst the white strands. His eyes are light and piercing, meant to make order and justice have their way.

The people of Fontaine called him a human, and Egeria called him the Hydro dragon.

The people of Fontaine began seeing the newcomer from time to time, weirdly observing every passing human. Ever since then, it began raining every day in Fontaine. Water responded to the dragon's sorrows and came down to comfort it. The droplet was born from sorrow and due to that the only thing he felt was sorrow.

Over time, he learned happiness, calm, and warmth from humans. The humans recognized him as Egeria's assistant and held him in high regard. The rain became fewer and fewer and the sun finally shone from above. Despite this, the dragon began asking Egeria what was the reason he came to this world. Egeria's answer was, "to serve justice and cleanse this nation". The dragon didn't know how that could be done. Why would an outsider have the right to punish humans and choose the meaning of "justice"?

He began visiting the Oratrice for questions. It read the dragon's mind like they were the same person, lending the other answers and guiding him. The Oratrice was made for justice and it was the only reliable source to the dragon to learn the meaning of it to learn and serve it.

"Humans must be protected." "Treat everyone gently and with kindness." Those were advice the Oratrice messaged the dragon. In fact, the dragon never even hurt a fly.

Egeria was like a family to the dragon. He looked up to her and respected her with all his heart. She was the one who wanted to make Fontaine known for justice and fairness, so why did the Oratrice say otherwise?

The Oratrice went against Egeria's ideals, which put the dragon in a tough spot. He was made to work with the Oratrice but also answer and obey Egeria's commands as her creation. Not to mention the humans' wills. The dragon thought the humans were as important as the citizens and respected them just as much as they respected him. There were three types of justices that each considered the right one, so what exactly was justice?

The dragon became even more conflicted with himself as he asked Egeria about her parents. He had seen every kid with their parents and even adults visiting their own. Why didn't Egeria have hers? She never answered the dragon's questions and locked the dragon up in a time-out as punishment.

The dragon learned of the missing previous judges as he overheard a few people talking about another one going missing again. He asked Egeria again and that resulted in him getting locked up again.

The dragon didn't continue to ask those questions and respected Egeria's privacy. One day though, Egeria summoned the dragon and led him to her own room. He was never allowed there and as he stepped in he saw the judge who just disappeared, tied still to a chair and muffled by a cloth.

Droplets that fell (for you) [Wriolette]Where stories live. Discover now